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Rachel Papas

Rachel Papas

Female. Lives in Modbury, South Australia, Australia. Born on January 28, 1987.
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AFL rumour mill
7 weeks looks about right
Bill Clements
It should've been 8 weeks.
March 7, 2024
Christopher Foster
What did Brayden Maynard score?
Andy Holmes
Could have obtained a larger amount.
March 7, 2024
Adrian Ryan
Give it a burl, mate!
Lucky just 7 weeks old, should have been in big trouble!
March 7, 2024
Geoff Newton
That'll wipe the grin off his dial.
Barry Jones
The worst thing I've seen since the Antonio Brown hit in the NFL.
David Martin
Brayden Maynard escaped punishment, how ironic!
March 7, 2024
Chris Lovell
He had it coming, got him in line
Adam Cox
As long as we're all playing by the same rules, it's not fair that some players get away with more than others. People have had to sit out because of head injuries, while others just keep on playing. Time for a fairer playing field!
Andrew Richardson
That shot was amazing, no doubt.
It used to be allowed, but not anymore. It really should be a fair go if the other team is at a disadvantage from losing a player as well.
March 7, 2024
Rachel Papas
That's rough...! Sending prayers to his fam and all.
Bill Forsyth
Should've rocked a Collingwood tee, would've been all good, then they'd switch up the rule again by the end of the season.
Owen Evans
'Bump' is a bit of a weak term for what went down. It's like a way of avoiding the truth. It was pretty revolting to watch.
Josh Fraser
I wanna know what Clarkson was spittin'?
Kevin Adams
Yeah, he bloody well meant to do it.
Justin Smith
I need some new sunnies mate, 'cause at first squiz at the news this arvo, I reckoned it was a crook Harry. The carrot top.
David Thomas
I'm stoked he copped it, that'll teach players not to jump off the ground for a hip and shoulder bump.
March 7, 2024
Amanda Gunn
"Totally killed it!"
Hunter King
Should have obtained 10.
March 7, 2024
Adam Roberts
When a player straight up targets another player like that, they need to be straight up booted out for good. I'm just saying, they weren't even trying to go for the ball.
Adam Johnson
Fingers crossed this ruling stays the same!
Grub is gonna whisk his fam off to Bali and throw some epic bogan bashes!
Anthony Grant
This match-up between the kangaroos and St Kilda in round 8 is going to be a blast!
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