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Liz Kerr

Liz Kerr

Female. Lives in Eastwood, New South Wales, Australia. Born on February 6, 1976.
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This is not a good look for the NRL
Richard Thomas
Collingwood has got some extra eyes watching them practice on a weekday!
Benjamin Jones
After getting our youngest kid some Dylan Edwards boots, it was a ripper night!
Justin Davis
We should totally move the whole comp to QLD. I bet the crowd at Suncorp tonight will be bigger than all the NSW games this weekend.
May 4, 2024
On the flip side, if the drongos played on a Thursday night, or Saturday arvo, or Sunday arvo at 4pm, they wouldn't get big crowds like they do when they have the best game time every week.
David Clark
The new rules and how they're being interpreted are bloody frustrating. It's not the same game anymore. And let's be honest, everyone's sick and tired of Souths.
It's a 'school night'! Good thing I no longer live in the city because I would never go to a game on a Thursday, or even on a Sunday night. And that stadium? Forget it! The travel would be a total nightmare.
Liz Kerr
Agreed, the price is worth noting!
Patrick Anderson
One cool thing about the NRL is that they have heaps of tiny venues they can use for the little teams. The vibe is way more fun there. Plus, hello, who wants to watch footy on a Thursday when tradies and school kids are busy? Night games in the freezing cold? No thanks. And why the heck are there ni... View More
John Taylor
On the same damn night, AFL Crows and Power had 52K peeps there.
Daniel O'Keefe
The NRL should have scheduled a QLD derby at Suncorp on Labour Day Monday.
It's because it's not close to either team's home ground and on a weeknight.
May 4, 2024
Greg Talbot
The game be switching up the rules and stuff, why would anyone even bother?
May 4, 2024
Roger Campbell
A suburban ground would have attracted more people and had a better atmosphere.
Ashley White
Why not move events to smaller venues for a better atmosphere if you can't attract a crowd at a large stadium on a Thursday night?
Ain't nobody gonna go out in that nasty weather to watch the bunnies get beat. And they definitely ain't gonna drag their kids out there either.
John Rowe
I hit up Showdown 55 last night and there were over 52 grand in the crowd.
Jason Hill
I totally agree with everyone here - let's bring the games back to our local stomping grounds! It's much more convenient and cost-effective for fans when we don't have to worry about travel expenses. The vibe at the local grounds is always electric! Save the big stadiums for the finals and State of ... View More
Tony Batkovic
Thursday night game should have been closer to home for fans, like at Allianz or Penrith.
Only about half of the 4,000 attendees were paying customers; if it was The Bears vs Penrith at North Sydney Oval, the crowd would have been 10,000. NRL needs to reconsider and bring back The Bears. 🐻🐻
Richard Mitchell
The club is straight up strugglin', man. It was mad wet and cold on that Thursday night. Forget playin' on a Thursday, let's move that game back to the weekend.
Harry Thomas
Thursday night football is all about that TV money, honey! Back in the day, the League used to make it rain on clubs if their games were on TV. Oh, how times have changed!
Brad Moore
It's the Accor stadium. That's why.
Charles Rivera
Penrith is hella far from there and Souths fans are sick of seeing their team getting their asses handed to them every damn week. Maybe getting some players back will light a fire under their asses, but I'm not holding my breath. Those same players were around last year and they couldn't win a singl... View More
Chris Nolan
Souths' inconsistent performance on the footy field is as predictable as a kangaroo hopping around!
Sean Bennett
I'm keen to see how many people rock up to Parra Stadium next year and beyond, hey?
Greg Schultz
Let's have Thursday night games in our own backyard!
May 4, 2024
Leonardo Pagano
They say Souths got mad fans but where they at? Only show up when the team's on top.
May 4, 2024
Trent Bruce
Fans can't be blamed. This stadium is trash. It's a Thursday night, and people gotta go to school tomorrow? It's all about TV now. If it were up to the fans, they wouldn't be stuck in this stadium and would be playing most of their games in the daytime, on a weekend.
Games shouldn't be happening in those huge stadiums, it just kills the vibe with only a few people there. Total bummer. The Bunnies were never gonna come out on top, they started strong but then just lost their groove.
May 5, 2024
It is so bloody hard to buy a house now a days
Nah, it ain't really the case. Folks can just decide if they wanna travel or if they wanna hustle in the boonies.
February 2, 2024
Roy Collins
In Sydney, owning a property is expensive, even outside the city limits. Some people commute for hours to afford their own house, but still face difficulties with travel and payments.
February 2, 2024
Jesse Carter
This is what happens when you let "big business" take over - the crooks come in, making big promises and then going bankrupt. Tradespeople now work for these big corporations and are no longer capable of building a complete house on their own. It's nearly impossible for an individual to build their ... View More
February 2, 2024
Leah Reid
It's not the houses that are expensive, it's the land.
February 2, 2024
David Williams
This news is quite surprising! Let's have a little fun and shift the blame onto the parents. Wow, instead of blaming them, why not direct our attention to the real culprit - the G O V!
February 2, 2024
Justin Bond
February 2, 2024
Justin Richardson
That's not proof, mate. Young blokes and sheilas still nab a property on their own, even if they ain't loaded, just in more affordable spots. Both me daughters, both being in their early 20's, done it. Can be done, mate, but reckon it ain't a walk in the park, gotta put in the hard yards, save up, a... View More
February 2, 2024
Chloe Dunn
For the regular folks, it always required the hustlin' you laid out. But we copped our crib in '63, just two rooms though. The block was still under construction, but it was near the school and a bus ride away from the big shopping spot. Slowly but surely, we expanded our humble abode through blood,... View More
February 2, 2024
Justin Williams
Hell yeah! But I'm stoked we were there for the ride.
February 2, 2024
Mike O'Grady
Our 23-year-old and his girlfriend have managed to save up enough money for a deposit and will be buying a house this year. They're looking at an older, more affordable neighborhood that's about 25 minutes away from the beach and even closer to the freeway. The property they're eyeing is probably on... View More
February 2, 2024
Fred Henderson
It's bloody obvious, mate! I reckon in the last bloody 5-10 years, how can everyone not bloody see what's bonza happening? It's all by bloody design, I tell ya!
February 2, 2024
Alex Young
The title seems dark, but with long-term planning, success is achievable.
February 2, 2024
Peter Vincent
Some may think it's alive, but not everyone.
February 2, 2024
Daniel Strassberg
Aus society ain't how it used to be, not even 5 years ago.
February 2, 2024
Jack Arnold
this is one of the things that adds to the fun
February 2, 2024
Steve Gardiner
Observe the clouds?
February 2, 2024
Grant Lockwood
This article is pretty ironic considering how the Murdoch press totally influenced voters to prioritize the wealthy. Aussies basically did this to themselves, and a prime example is when they rejected those reforms in 2016 and 2019 that would've made housing more affordable. But nope, voters decided... View More
February 2, 2024
Barry Green
Like Europe, the post-war generation lived beyond their means, depleting resources and forcing the next generation to bear the burden.
February 2, 2024
Some of my friends' young sons have purchased houses at the age of 25 through hard work, but they didn't expect to match their parents' level of home ownership.
February 2, 2024
Jake Smith
Why is it that the American, British, Irish, and Canadian dream exists? Maybe it's because I'm thinking differently. Just saying.
February 2, 2024
Anthony Wardan
My two badass daughters in their twenties will totally have their own homes by the time they're 45. Don't give up, just change your mindset!
February 2, 2024
Andrew Johnson
All they desire is everything, but you must be willing to give up your luscious locks, manicured nails, daily java fix, and relaxing vacations. Having it all isn't possible, just consult the wiser generation.
February 2, 2024
Andrew Sorenson
Lmao, boomers. The numbers show that it's way tougher for us now than it was for them. It is what it is, but it would be awesome if those who got their houses for next to nothing would kindly stay out of the discussion. 😂
February 2, 2024
Peter Morgan
Too many people have invested into a bubble, so the economy cannot change without crashing.
February 2, 2024
Jordan Wilkinson
The kiwis still find it unbelievable.
February 2, 2024
Paul Murray
I'll end up being a retiree without a home. Cheers, matey government.
February 2, 2024
Nathan Gibbs
The arvo you begin working is the arvo you start stashing. It mightn't be heaps at first, but as you earn more and amp it up, it'll obviously grow. Get the hang of leaving it untouched and don't start dipping into it, you'll get accustomed to being savvy with these matters. You know you can always h... View More
February 2, 2024
Steve Roberts
They'll get their turn.
February 2, 2024
John McCormack
If you venture outside of the cities, you'll find that homes are reasonably priced and life is laid-back.
February 2, 2024
Anthony Theunissen
Did you seriously require a written report to figure that out? It just goes to show how clueless politicians are about the real-life situations!
February 2, 2024
Ralph Harris
No magic solutions mate, but tweaking negative gearing rules and cutting back on foreign investment would really make a difference. We can't deny that the mess we find ourselves in 2024 is a direct consequence of 15 years of LNP incompetence. For those who supported them, cheers for absolutely zilch... View More
February 2, 2024
Shane Wilson
Eliminate Airbnb and prohibit foreign investment.
February 2, 2024
Liz Kerr
Could there possibly be restrictions on the number of houses one can purchase?
February 2, 2024
Andrew Mooney
Despite the unfortunate situation, where there is determination, there is a solution.
February 2, 2024
Dean James
February 2, 2024
In a fun-loving atmosphere, people aspire for their dream home instead of compromising on what they can afford. Nowadays, it's all about one-upping our neighbors.
February 3, 2024
Romeo de Luca
I've already staked my claim on a spot at Bondi beach for when I retire, so hands off!
February 3, 2024
Ben Hopkins
What used to be the ultimate dream for Aussies is now just an impossible dream for working families 😢
February 3, 2024
Greg Cooper
Heaps of spots in the bush up for grabs
February 3, 2024
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