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Chloe Murphy

Chloe Murphy

Female. Lives in Logan, Queensland, Australia. Born on July 23, 1999.
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Aaliyah Di Francesco
So Brittany Higgins is getting married today. It will be a circus for sure
Megan Stevenson
I hope she gets all she deserves that is coming her way
 Justin Johnson
Wonder if she was pissed again when she did this
Harry Cooper
Hope he knows what he has got himself in for
Yvette Nichols
She is the Devil in a white dress
Amanda Kelly
He does look a lot like old Brucey boy you have to say
Wendy Joseph
I would be getting a good pre-nup if I was her
Wayne Driscoll
And paid for by the Australian tax payer
Chloe Murphy
On the balance of probabilities it will last about 2 minutes. Was Lisa Wilkinson invited I wonder to do a speech ????
The girl that cried wolf
Jacqueline Bailey
There will be a book deal very soon you wait and see. She will just rehash all the lies that she has already told.
 Elijah Brown
OMG can you actually believe her. The Aussie taxpayer is paying for all of this but she doesn’t care. She is just shoving right in our face.
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