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Janis Madden

Janis Madden

Female. Lives in Hawthorn , Victoria, Australia. Born on December 28, 1977.
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Janis Madden
OUR royal Queen
1 Yarn
Yo, Mary! You've always been on point, girl. You're mad loved and respected. Denmark hella lucky to have you.
Sean Kenny
Hey Mary, congrats on becoming a truly genuine, down-to-earth, respectful and dignified individual!
Jason Hughes
Shoutout to the future Queen, she's gonna be a total boss. Wishing you all mad luck!
John Watkins
Gorgeous Queen Margrethe, may God bless you abundantly. Congratulations to the forthcoming King and Queen. With warm wishes from Down Under.
January 5, 2024
Marco Lozanovski
W'sup job. W'sup babe. I hope Fred knows how dope he is to have our Tassie Princess.
Brock Johnson
Congrats to both of them on their exciting new chapter!
Jonathan Hickman
Congrats to both of them! They're gonna be an amazing King & Queen. May Queen Margrethe have a peaceful and healthy "retirement".
Kevin Foster
Awesome news!! She's gonna be an absolutely perfect queen. She's so classy, smart, and just an amazing person all around.
Darren Glover
May you have a happy and prosperous new year in your new role.
Philip Jackson
Exciting update! Mary was destined to be a Queen.
Andrew Devereux
A classy way to go, and yay Mary - good for the queen.
Kyle Hall
She's an awesome pick! Down-to-earth, super friendly, an amazing mom and wife, and, most importantly, an incredible representative for the Danish people.
Jarrod Livingstone
She's gonna be so lit. Congrats, Mary!
David O'Sullivan
Congrats! Great news.
Matt Stevens
To our friends in the land Down Under, and to all the Aussies, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for Mary. We adore her and believe she will make a wonderful Queen to our King Frederik of Denmark.
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