Abigail Ferri
James Parker
Happy Birthday James Parker

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Thomas Rogan
Happy birthday to my favorite coffee buddy and bestie ☕👫🎂

Andrew Jackson
May all your wishes come true — today and every day Happy Birthday James

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I don't want a welcome or taxpayer money for this. Jon Patterson
Hey Councils, how about you actually do what we're shelling out big bucks for and cut out all the silly political games? Norma Torres
Happy Birthday
May all your wishes come true — today and every day Happy Birthday Michelle
May your birthday be filled with all the love and joy you deserve Michelle
Hey America, you asked for this. Bill Parsons
Adolf would totally be stoked. Bronwyn Walker
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I reckon how many of those 10,000 voted for Trump because they reckoned he was gonna lift their living standards.
Bring that squad to the capital Anthony Castro
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Nah, it doesn't work like that. When it comes to versioning history, 11 is bigger than 9. So, 9.11 is a bigger number than 9.9 for computers. Andrew Rhodes
Interesting move by Albo. He loves a celebrity. Read more https://bit.ly/3WGxfeK
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Even Greg Norman couldn't rescue him from the clutches of his celebrity endorsers' support! How did he manage to forget so quickly? He must have a case of short memory syndrome! LOL Daniel Joyce
Sleezy is hiring for anyone who can help him get famous.
To all you numpties out there saying she's 83 so not that tough, why don't you shut your trap and use the tiny bit of brain cells you've got and actually think for once? She's strong enough to handle a massive car but apparently not strong enough to get in it? Give me a break. She's got the strength... View More
Full story: bit.ly/3WhwgSm
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It's a bit tough to drop a deuce for testing right now. 🤣🤣
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I reckon this couple's relationship is a bit dodgy. But since it's not cool to be a bigot these days, I'm just gonna act like I don't care about the article instead - even though deep down I clearly do. Sandra Alexander