Edward Hill
on July 6, 2024
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Big trouble ahead for Albo me thinks
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Charlie Harvey
If she wants to be the face of Palestine, she better pack her bags and head over there - 'cause she's supposed to be representing us Aussies!
Jamie Henderson
Once again, this has nothing to do with Islam, but everything to do with being a good person, and Senator Payman is still my hero today! (Check out Philip Zimbardo's idea of a hero; and yes, we can all be heroes, but it's tough to speak out even if it may cost us, more than most of us can handle, an... View More
Jeremy Perry
Payman just quit recently, and it's obvious that she actually cares about doing the right thing rather than just playing politics. Stokes' comments back that up.
Ashley Power
The aph website got a bomb research paper on crossing the floor, definitely worth checkin' out.
I got mad love for Senator Payman, she's always keeping it real. She should be hella proud of staying true to herself and speaking her mind.
Gary Walters
Grandstander? Nah, never even knew her until recently. Bet she loved soaking up those 15 minutes of fame. But hey, next stop... straight up oblivion!
July 5, 2024
Benjamin Flores
The Labor Party has always been the superhero of the underdogs, standing up to the meanies and making sure the little guy gets a fair shake! 🦸‍♂️💪🏽
Mark Jackson
$310 daily allowance used to pay off Canberra living expenses for all politicians, which is considered a scam.
Tom Dorotich
Buys property in Canberra to rent out. Gets that sweet taxpayer cash to cover the mortgage. She basically just chilling in the Senate for the next 6 years.
July 5, 2024
Adam Collins
I'm happy she stuck to her beliefs.
James Ross
At least we can kick them to the curb after 3 years tops! Even though I don't see eye-to-eye with her, I gotta hand it to her for being gutsy and standing firm in her beliefs.
It was expected since Senator Payton switched parties, so her chances of re-election as an Independent are slim. I hope she focuses on her constituents in WA during her time as a Senator.
Good onya, now you can go back there and lend a hand.
Grant Gallagher
Critics of a Senator trying to shake up politics are missing the point - we need change and debate in order to make progress.
July 5, 2024
Aaron Charles
It's a shame it had to come to this, but Senator Payman stuck to her guns and fought for what she believes in - something that aligns with the ALP's own policies.
Doug Smith
This government feels like a Bruce Springsteen song "I'm Goin Down."
That's a real tough call. It's cool she's standing up for what she believes in. Hopefully her crew has got her back. I don't think she's gonna have a great shot at getting reelected in WA as an indie.
Senator Payman is gonna be doing her own thing for another four years, even though people thought she was gonna be repping the Labor party. Just like Senator Thorpe, her supporters are probably scratching their heads now.
Mark Ricci
Mate, as far as I know, we live in a fair go country. No one should be blindly following anyone, especially in politics. She's a true legend for standing up against her own party, even though she knew there'd be racist backlash like what we're seeing in these comments.
July 5, 2024
Jaden Martin
Mixing politics and religion is always a bad idea.
Cameron Smith
That's hilarious! Labor brought in a million immigrants thinking they'd get more votes, but now those immigrants are gonna start their own party and steal votes from Labor.
I wonder if everyone who was being grumpy at Payman acted the same when Lambie left the party she was elected to?
She was fully aware of the ALP's rules, so she probably knew that sticking to her beliefs would land her in this situation. It's her call, but if she didn't want to play by their rules, maybe she should have picked a different team to join in the first place!
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