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 Anthony Cox
on January 5, 2024 35 views
Michael Douglas
It's a bonnet.
Bill Drummond
Never got lost
January 5, 2024
I couldn't locate my box of matches.
Anthony Worden
I wonder if they managed to get Shapelle's bag back to her.
January 5, 2024
Philip Anderson
I'm hanging out for Schapelle's reply.
Chris Williamson
Nice one, Dave! At least you managed to retrieve it unlike poor Schapelle, who'll never see her boogie board again nor get back those lost 15 years of her life.
Glen Cook
They say that all publicity is good publicity.
Graeme McKenzie
Have fun and treasure the memories, because who could ever forget that unforgettable tour in South Africa.
Scott Chisholm
I'm glad she brought it over.
Patrick Anderson
Sketchy staff
Brandon McKenzie
Who knocked it down? It must have been a baggage handler.
Brendon Greenwood
Candice most likely possessed it, willing to do anything for attention
Brad Lewis
This dude will go to any lengths for attention.
Allan Thomas
Sorry to the baggage handlers who had to go through a body search!
Anthony Mahoney
Popped up outta nowhere. Sounds sketchy.
January 7, 2024
Sean Kenny
I'm done with seeing this mug.
Adam Stephens
Sounds a bit well ummmmmm to me
Andrew Lee
It was chillin' there the whole damn time
Andy Jones
Lemme guess, Schapelle had that shit in her boogie board bag all along.
Ethan Johnson
Glad he received it back, mate, but it sounds a bit dodgy. He probably just lost it himself but didn't want to own up to it, similar to the ball tampering incident until they were pushed to confess.
Jerry Mitchell
Any sandpaper that comes with it
Ash Mathews
Discover why the nation isn't doing so great with these amusing remarks.
Barry Ryan
The woman cleaned it.
Steve Morgan
Alright, now get your hats and piss off!!
Brian Cullen
Who swiped it?
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