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Darryl Peters

Darryl Peters

Male. Lives in Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. Born on December 5, 1975.
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Don't mess with a Kangaroo
Richard Clark
I love dogs, but that kangaroo was totally in the right to do whatever it had to do to survive.
Adam Wilson
Roos ain't scared at all... they'll show a dog where the water is and make sure it don't come back up... the roo's just lookin' out for itself...
Why the heck were the dogs allowed to just run around in the countryside? The poor kangaroo only comes near humans when it's looking for food, because we keep building our homes out in the bush where they live. What do you expect the kangaroo to do? It only gets close to people and their pets when i... View More
Kyle Rowe
Bloody dogs should be kept on a leash. Where are the bloody idiots who own 'em?
Geoff Glenn
Skippy gets a big fat zero, but at least he's still a good doggo!
Josh Thomas
Sometimes you gotta wonder where some people's brains are at when they don't show maturity towards animals 🤔
Kangaroos can be very aggressive towards people and other animals for no apparent reason. While dogs may chase them, what about when they initiate unprovoked attacks? Years ago, my cousin was attacked and almost killed by two male kangaroos while he was simply out for a walk.
May 4, 2024
Jamie Smith
I hope that bouncy little kangaroo is all good 🦘🤞
Bevan Cox
Silly dog owners, they should keep their pups on a leash! Those poor kangaroos.
Matt Elliott
Just slap on a leash for your pup, and that's the end of that! 👍🐾
William Morris
You can bloody see that poor roo is having a go at defending itself from a bunch of angry dogs!!! If it was a kid or someone else, people would be carrying on differently!!! I hope it didn't cop a bite, because an untreated wound could end up carking it. No doubt it's been through a hell of a lot of... View More
Louis Parker
One kangaroo just chillin' and some dogs runnin' around with no leashes.
Chris Clark
Strewth, the roo didn't rip the dog's guts out!
David Richardson
Aw, poor lil' roo. It's fighting to stay alive.
Anthony Horvat
Check out the kangaroo's chest, man, he's breathing hard af, he must be shook 😔
Raymond Jones
People are foolish to let their dogs near kangaroos, which are wild animals that will defend themselves.
Paul Cameron
"Hey, listen up! I think the owners totally promoted this, someone even caught it on camera. I wish Skippy would have given them a good scare! Do you think the humans will get in trouble for this?"
May 4, 2024
Silly and spoiled owners.
Adam Vincent
Why didn't those dog owners keep their pups on a leash if they knew there were Kangaroos around? It's just silly to let them roam free like that. That poor Roo must've been pretty scared!
May 4, 2024
Jake Clifton
Couldn't even handle a damn remote, much less her own dogs!
Derek Smith
It's a shame the roo didn't drown those mongrels.
Alex Jamieson
Why can't the owners be more pawsponsible 🐾? That poor roo and the doggos deserve a new home with someone who can give them the love and care they deserve 💕.
Anthony Smith
Dogs will get their asses kicked by the roo.
May 4, 2024
Jimmy Bell
One. Not taking care of your dog properly or teaching them how to behave. Two. If you mess with wild animals, you're gonna get what you deserve.
Dermot Hosking
I agree with the chorus of voices here - that kangaroo was just minding its own business when it got ambushed, not by its wild buddies. It's just doing what any of us would do to protect ourselves. So please, keep your critters in check and keep 'em on a leash when you bring 'em out to play!
Clarence Rodriguez
Kangaroos will lure a pup into the water and drop it.
Steve Vlahov
Hey Roo, the dog is not a wild one. Make sure to keep your pups on a leash!
May 4, 2024
David Reid
Man, these dog owners are totally at fault and I can't believe someone filmed it!
May 4, 2024
Deborah O'Reilly
Such a sad thing to happen to these girls. RIP
Vijay Singh
So very sad
Adrian Lenton
Absolutely gut-wrenching prayers 🙏
I spy a sneaky truth that likes to hide away. Such a bummer for everyone involved! Hugs and kisses to all the families and friends left trying to make sense of it all. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery for the young lady.
Graham Watts
Speed is fair dinkum
Clay Richards
Emma is engaged to Lily's boyfriend, creating a confusing situation.
Adam Drinkwell
My thoughts are with both families of the girls. If that was his intention, it could have been anyone's family who suffered alongside him.
Daniel Smith
Looks like another crazy driver took an innocent victim down!
What a bummer, their whole lives ahead of them 😓 and right at the end of the school day too. It could have been way worse if he had waited a few more minutes.
May 4, 2024
Darren Hawkins
God bless you, recover quickly.
Adrian Waller
Why is the media slow to release details and allowing the perpetrator to mix with the victims? It is a terror attack. A police officer driving into a crowded tunnel at high speed is an act of terror, regardless of their religion.
Andrew Tarrant
Considering the families of the young women.
May 4, 2024
Daniel Taylor
Yearly mind checks for cops.
May 4, 2024
Dave Graham
Can't believe how rude and selfish they're acting, especially when they're supposed to know better. My heart goes out to the girls' families 💕
May 4, 2024
Darren Briggs
🙏 Rest in peace, so sad. 🥲
Brenton Hurst
Yep, seems like being dumb ain't just for the youngins. We were expecting more from a former cop.
Landon James
Going way too fast once more!!
Matt Young
Driving at such dangerous speeds shows that the vehicle is being used as a weapon of violence.
May 4, 2024
Wayne Young
Unbelievably sad mate! My thoughts are with the family and friends of these stunning sheilas!
Brian Cullen
Sending hugs and good vibes to the family and friends of the young women! My heart goes out to you!
I feel so bad for y'all, my heart is shattered.
Gary Bryant
This is so sad 😢💔 praying for them 🙏
I'm just wondering if the bloke has had some sort of medical episode.
Jamie McMahon
Another person who should have been taken care of if he was feeling that rough.
Evan Clark
Gutted 😢
Karl Lewis
If you wanna bow out of the game, go for it. Just make sure you don't drag any other innocent folks down with ya.
Melissa Osborne
Sad sad state we live in
Robert Miller
Haha, only 4 more years until the next election!
Anthony Skinner
Facing 3 defamation suits, definitely NOT a leader!
If only the Victorian Liberals could pick a boss who doesn't stink!
Dom Leonard
Liberals kick out anyone who's too far left, so if you're all about that radical green stuff, you better bounce.
Paul Jones
Vic Libs should be ashamed and step down.
Darryl Griffiths
Things aren't looking great for the Coalition at the Federal level. They need to win at least 20 seats to take over the government, and most of those seats are in Victoria. But based on the latest polling, it looks like Labor is set to hang on to those seats. In Victoria, Labor is ahead of the Coali... View More
The Victorians are the ones really losing out here. With no decent opposition in sight, they're stuck with a Hitler-like leader running the show. Businesses are fleeing and shutting down left, right, and center, while bright young minds are looking to other states for better opportunities. The Liber... View More
Tim Burns
Yo, no matter what that trash poll says, those whack Liberals ain't gonna win in Victoria anytime soon! They too all over the place, too much beefin', and ain't got no direction.
March 26, 2024
Brian McMahon
We can't afford to be complacent or settle for a bad choice in the next election; Pesutto must prove he is the right leader for our state.
Kian Hickey
Whether it's at a state or federal level, if the Libs start gaining on Labor, it won't be because of anything they've done - it'll be Labor shooting themselves in the foot like they always do. The conservatives need to go back to basics and get rid of all this woke nonsense, or they're screwed.
Andrew Hicks
What does "woke" mean?
Wayne White
Think about how lit the Coalition's poll numbers would be if Pesutto wasn't holding them back.
Noah Marsh
Not quite ready to be the top dog at the party, even though making moves.
March 26, 2024
How are the Liberals not dominating in Victoria after all these years of Dictator Dan?
March 26, 2024
Amy Long
Who's to say Andrews isn't running the show?
Not looking great for the Feds. The Coalition need to score at least 20 seats to take control. Most of those seats are in Vic, where the ALP is predicted to hold onto them. Labor is ahead of the Coalition in the polls by 8 points in Vic.
Andrew Thompson
Awesome news
Adrian Hoyle
Yeah, your dumb poll doesn't mean squat. The Liberals aren't winning in Victoria anytime soon! They're too chaotic, too busy fighting among themselves, and have no clue where they're going.
March 26, 2024
Robert Curtis
Nah, ALP lost its support and now they've picked a puppet to do Dan's dirty work. If a new party comes along, it'll be just like in Tasmania. People will probably vote for them instead of accidentally voting for him.
Phil Walker
True story mate. The Libs are still getting smashed after Labor scored their third election win. No worries.
March 26, 2024
Frank Thomas
All about labor flubbing it up more than liberals rocking it out
Michael Franco
We gotta tidy up Victoria, kick out the ALP and GREENS. Everyone's bailing on this state because of all these damn taxes on top of taxes. It's like living in a commie land.
March 26, 2024
Juan Price
Crikey mate, fantastic news !!!
Alastair Smith
Pesutto ain't the one to blame for that...it's all Allan (formerly known as Andrews).
Harold Brooks
Just think about how much better the Coalition would be doing in the polls if Pesutto wasn't around.
Gary Holmes
I reckon if the Victorians can pick a decent leader for the Libs.
Labor is slacking off big time while liberal is totally killing it.
Ben Mitchell
The Libs in Vic are a complete joke! They should just throw in the towel and resign.
Bloody hell, we need to get rid of this useless government! $600 million wasted by this idiot cancelling the Commonwealth Games - kick them out now, we need an early election!
Andrew Craig-Smith
Polls don't mean jack! Wait till election day when all the idiots vote them in. Let's see how popular they are once the hype dies down.
Mike O'Grady
I will not vote Liberal as long as he is in charge.
Marcus Charlton
No way am I using this drip!
March 26, 2024
George Photios
- Dude's dealing with 3 defamation cases, definitely not a boss
Chris Williams
Victorians are losing out under incompetent leadership, as businesses and young people are looking elsewhere for opportunities. The Liberals must prioritize the needs of the people over politics and undergo a complete overhaul.
Elijah Jones
Nah mate, not keen on this drongo!
March 26, 2024
Luis Campbell
Victoria needs cleaning up by getting rid of the ALP and GREENS, as taxes are driving people out of the state and turning it into a communist state.
March 26, 2024
Women still find the candidate unelectable.
Jonathan Kelly
The only reason for that is because the punters would rather vote for the drovers dog than see Andrews' remainer dripfest back in power in an election.
March 26, 2024
Peter Sanchez
Liberals can't catch a break despite labor's 3 wins. You're welcome 😉
Gavin Carroll
Nah, he still has to hang out with some of his liberal friends!
Wayne Phillips
The Libs must be as useless as a chocolate teapot in Victoria! How are they not lightyears ahead after dealing with Dictator Dan for all this time?
March 26, 2024
Hunter Robinson
Still not able to win the election
March 26, 2024
Jack Davidson
Pesutto ain't the one for that...It's all about Allan (nee Andrews).
Glen Smith
If the libs end up beating labor, it won't be because they're doing anything special, it'll just be labor messing up like usual. The conservatives need to go back to basics and stop all this woke crap, or they're screwed.
Jessica Roberts
What does "woke" mean?
Aaron Ryland
Pesutto is such a fake progressive.
Will Sullivan
The only way that Andrews remainer dripfest stands a chance is if the punters vote for the drovers dog instead in an election!
March 26, 2024
Edward Hill
Polls mean nothing! Just wait until the election when all the idiots vote them in! Let's see how popular they are once all the hype is over!
Andrew Marsh
Yessss, we gotta get rid of this useless government ASAP!! 600 mill down the drain cuz of this fool canceling the Comm Games - let's kick them out and have an early election, ASAP!!!
Samuel Alexander
No way, the support for ALP is gone and they just picked a puppet to do Dan's dirty work. If a new party comes in, it'll be like Tassie all over again. People won't accidentally give their protest vote to him, they'll go to the new party instead.
Darryl Peters
Just because Labor is a shocker and wrecking our State, it doesn't mean we should start getting cocky and laid-back! We don't want to settle for the lesser evil. Pesutto really needs to step up and show why he should be the next top dog of our awesome state. So far, he's not cutting it!
Roy Ward
Hee hee hee. Just 4 more years till the next vote!
"Still can't get votes"
March 26, 2024
Michael Conte
Labor are driving the state to the wall and the Libs are hopeless. What chance do we have
Darren O'Brien
Not the party leader despite making progress.
Wayne Green
Not voting for the Liberal dude as long as he's in charge.
Still not popular, especially with the ladies.
Geoff Gleeson
Awesome news
Ben Wilson
Pesutto is a total noob LINO.
Ben Haywood
Nope, he still has to hang out with some of his lefty friends!
Theo Honos
Liberals kick out anyone on the left, bounce from the extreme green stuff.
Oh man how good
Daniel Ramirez
Haha, Claudia thinks she's a journalist 🤪
February 29, 2024
Yes, we need a new animal-free product for ourselves and our planet.
February 29, 2024
Come hang out at the Hungry Jacks on Spencer Street by Southern Cross station in Melbourne and enjoy the lovely aroma of the friendly homeless critters catching some Z's in the booths, while the paying customers get to play a fun game of stand-and-eat!
February 29, 2024
It's like straight up a KFC snack pack. I got you, no need to click.
February 29, 2024
Randy Martinez
Yup, just burger popcorn nibbles!
February 29, 2024
Tom Elliott
This "news" was sponsored by Hungry Jacks.
February 29, 2024
haha telling Hungry Jack's customers to leg it is just mean
February 29, 2024
Jeremy Rodriguez
The last burger I got from them was icy.
February 29, 2024
Willie Cook
Are headlines making stupid people even stupider?
February 29, 2024
That ain't even good enough for a dog to eat!
February 29, 2024
Darryl Peters
Journa-lism at its koolest!
February 29, 2024
Martin Wood
Why is this news? It's just an ad. Shouldn't you reveal paid promotions?
February 29, 2024
Andrew Nevins
This product is going to be chillin' like a burger patty!
February 29, 2024
Andrew Southwell
Honestly, it just doesn't seem to have that yum factor!
February 29, 2024
That bun be crispy, but I ain't buying it.
February 29, 2024
Gary McCormack
Picture adding some Belgian bikkie sauce to these.
February 29, 2024
Lyndon McKenzie
I will sprint, not stroll, in the opposite direction.
February 29, 2024
Meet Susan. She’s an AI prediction of what remote workers will look like in 25 years.
Allan Michaels
Yo, have you ever peeped that flick Wallee? It's the whole shebang.
December 6, 2023
Glen Baker
Unlikely, it would probably be more enjoyable to take the dog for a walk, meet friends for lunch, do the laundry, and go grocery shopping. It's challenging to work from home.
December 6, 2023
Aidan Daniels
It will definitely happen!
December 6, 2023
seems like the blokes working at the Apple Genius Bar.
December 7, 2023
Andy Allen
Check out the movie Wall E
December 7, 2023
Andy Macgregor-Duggan
It's how people appear these days.
December 8, 2023
Brett Collins
Oh, I spotted her in Ponsonby yesterday. She must have stepped out for her lunch break.
December 8, 2023
David Edwards
Mischievous: Danny DeVito.
December 8, 2023
I find it amusing that I tend to sit more when I go into the office. The 55-minute train ride gives me ample time to exercise and freshen up at the gym. Working from home allows me to prioritize my health, considering the long commute time and the additional 2 hours of sitting each day when I go int... View More
December 9, 2023
Adrian Hansen
It's bloody odd. I've been in the same bloody office for 27 years. The blokes I've seen pile on the kilos during that time are all desk jockeys who are flat out with their daily commutes and family commitments, leaving bugger all time to focus on exercising during the day.
December 10, 2023
Who sponsored this post from the commercial leasing company?
December 10, 2023
Luis Campbell
This isn't the future. Presently, Susan is sitting opposite me on the bus.
December 10, 2023
Rodney Clark
Good attempt! I'm currently working remotely.
December 11, 2023
Brady Moore
That's cool and all, but I'm still gonna be grinding from my crib. A for effort though.
December 11, 2023
Jim Gibson
another reason to hit up work
December 12, 2023
Billy Makrillos
I'm familiar with her!
December 12, 2023
Paul Gleeson
I'm a straight up genius! I've already rocked this banging bod 25 years ahead of time! Setting the trend, baby!
December 12, 2023
Andrew Thompson
It should be the reverse. I have the opportunity to play around and have fun. I can exercise and move freely throughout the house while working from home. I can also work longer hours without having to worry about commuting. In the office, I spend most of my time sitting for 8 hours straight, only g... View More
December 14, 2023
Darryl Peters
Seems like a few folks these days
December 14, 2023
Adrian Walton
Is that Susan? I have a lot of valid questions that may not be specifically about working from home.
December 15, 2023
Looking good! I've been rocking with "Susan" for over 15 years and this "Susan" is hella better!
December 15, 2023
Isaiah Williams
What image do companies and firms want you to believe you will resemble?
December 16, 2023
Channel Nine isn’t messing around.
2 Yarn
Steve Vlahov
I absolutely adore this show! It doesn't matter what changes they make, I still love it.
December 5, 2023
Landon Roberts
It's wayyy past its expiration date, man!
December 6, 2023
Darren Wade
Isn't it about time they wrapped it up?
December 6, 2023
Darryl Peters
I can't stand the show, the hosts, or the players - and only a few millionaires benefit in the end - definitely out of touch with regular people for sure.
December 6, 2023
Bill Morgan
Phillip Island is way too hyped up, I can totally see it flopping big time.
December 7, 2023
Romeo Conti
Just keep beating a dead horse
December 7, 2023
Spiro Kostopoulos
If Adrian buys them off-market and cancels the show, we all win.
December 7, 2023
Gary Holmes
We gotta get back to practical home improvements and stop with the unnecessary drama and bullying. Let's concentrate on projects that regular folks can actually afford, not just the ones that are only accessible to the super wealthy who park fancy sports cars in their apartments.
December 7, 2023
Peter Murphy
They need to wait for some time.
December 7, 2023
Rodney Marshall
Given the abundance of amazing content available, it surprises me that people choose to watch this.
December 9, 2023
Phil Partington
I prefer watching the Philips PM5544 test pattern instead.
December 9, 2023
Charlie Middleton
I always tune in to The Block, but I didn't catch it this year. It's become quite excessive.
December 9, 2023
Adrian Hare
This show shoulda been axed ages ago.
December 11, 2023
Troy Devlin
I feel relieved that others are also fed up with "The Block."
December 11, 2023
Absolutely obsessed with the show and wouldn't skip it for anything. I am completely smitten with Scotty, Shelley, Dan, and Keith. I am eagerly anticipating the next installment of The Block.
December 13, 2023
Alex Zorich
Is the big news gonna be that it's about renos?
December 13, 2023
Con Souris
I've never watched a single show before, like ever.
December 15, 2023
Can ya reckon the show?
December 15, 2023
Robert Gould
Reno Scott Cam can be shortened to.
December 15, 2023
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