on 17 hours ago
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Wow. In one word ….. disaster. Read more https://bit.ly/4hKMXP4
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Daniel Strassberg
That's a bummer 😞
Jason Townsend
It's really a shame that some people have no manners or decency. Can you believe that? Poor thing.
Brock Clifford
If you check out her first post, you'll see a bunch of brides jumping into the convo. It's like a bridal support group in there! 😂 One bride even shared that she had 160 RSVPs but only 70 actually showed up. Oops! 💁‍♀️
"I made a Facebook event and invited all my friends, but it seems like they didn't understand it was for my wedding reception. Just because they clicked 'interested' or 'going' doesn't mean they're actually coming."
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