Rachel James
on September 11, 2024
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Goodbye Paige. No great loss that's for sure
Dimension: 1000 x 522
File Size: 8 b
Stephen Randall
The show focused on her struggles without addressing how she treated him; if their roles were reversed, it would be about his abuse of her, as evidenced by the guy appearing broken in every episode.
September 10, 2024
Kristy Peters
Yeah, he always looked like he was shittin' bricks.
September 10, 2024
Luke Murphy
She seriously needs help, and if I were her husband, I would have bounced a long time ago. The poor lady at the block shop was getting all the blame when it was clearly caught on camera. I'm glad they're finally out of here. Hopefully, things will be less stressful now.
September 10, 2024
This was a real tearjerker to watch. Sending lots of love and support to those brave souls who are seeking help. They've got this! xxx
September 10, 2024
Paul Marsh
I really hope Jesse has some backup coming his way. It was tough to see him being treated so poorly, and no one even mentioned how guys can be affected by DV too!
September 10, 2024
Austin Williams
She needs help ASAP
September 10, 2024
Greg Waugh
Kylie bloody needs to bugger off as well 🙄 she's always bloody grumpy. Poor old hubby, he's a top bloke.
September 10, 2024
Stephen Allen
Yo, to all those haters trying to cancel the show, ever heard of a remote? If you ain't feeling it, just switch to something else, for real! 🙄
September 10, 2024
Clint Gallagher
That chick definitely had some drama going on way before she hit the block, that guy better sprint for the hills as fast as he can! 🏃🏽‍♂️😂
September 10, 2024
Justin Stewart
When she threw around words like narcissist and gaslighting at Jesse, and he didn't seem to fit either of those descriptions, it was like watching a comedy of errors.
September 10, 2024
Jason Rogers
I'm totally down for getting help when you need it. But come on, she knew what she was getting into and what she could handle. It was all just attention-seeking, self-centered behavior. If she really had mental health issues, she wouldn't have gone on that show.
September 10, 2024
Henry King
She for sure needs some help, I really hope she goes and gets it.
September 10, 2024
Frank Wright
The producers must be totally psyched. This show is all about putting people in crazy situations and watching the drama unfold - no renovations involved!
September 10, 2024
Don't be afraid to talk about it. It's easy to talk smack from behind a screen. We don't know the whole story, so let's just focus on getting them the help they need. It never hurts to check in and ask if someone's okay.
September 10, 2024
Louis Richardson
They needed to say sorry to Nadia before they could leave.
September 10, 2024
Karl Lewis
Their relationship being shown on TV was probably a good thing, it's likely been rocky from the beginning but her actions were always overlooked. She definitely needs some help and should break up with him, thank goodness they don't have kids to go through it.
September 10, 2024
I peep the block and News ain't even tryna post domestic violence warnings and hotlines for dudes getting beat. Ain't no help for abused males huh?
September 10, 2024
Alexander Ellis
Had a go at the sheila running the block shop for her dramas and poor management. That was a bit rough. That's when things went pear-shaped.
September 10, 2024
Adam O'Connell
Didn't realise being rude and aggressive was considered 'mental health'.
September 11, 2024
Andrew Wilks
I enjoy reading comments here, like some people who are obsessed with it. Even this comment is just sparking curiosity and wasting time. Have a nice day.
September 11, 2024
Zachary Edwards
You're kidding, mate! Ronnie and Georgia, the two biggest duds on The Block, are back for a third crack at winning.
September 11, 2024
Thomas Roberts
They were just there chillin' for one day.
September 11, 2024
Mark Grady
It was bloody awkward to watch. I reckon she needs to have a squiz at these episodes and see that she could use a bit of help. Sending good vibes and love ❤️
September 11, 2024
Jason Brookes
The producers exploited the pair's emotional and mental health for entertainment, so I stopped watching the show. It's just as disappointing as previous seasons, and the focus is no longer on renovations.
September 11, 2024
Bill Stone
Mate, she's clearly manipulating him and playing mind games. I reckon he should leg it out of there as fast as possible. Poor bloke needs some help.
September 11, 2024
Tanner Morgan
I think the way she talked to the girl from the Block Shop caused them to bounce.
September 11, 2024
Chris Williamson
And he needs to chat with a psychologist if he reckons there's a future with her.
September 11, 2024
Mark Santoro
Shaynna, there's also a farm stay nearby, not just coastal areas!
September 11, 2024
Charlie Oster
While they're busy, let's just chuck the whole shebang!
September 11, 2024
Craig Russell
Double standards would be evident if the genders were reversed in that abusive relationship.
September 11, 2024
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