Abigail Ferri
on September 10, 2024
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I agree with Maddy. Aussie men are just hard to talk to
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Try dating older men for old school 80s charm and respect. Parents should have taught basic respect to their children earlier.
September 9, 2024
Brayden Lee
I'm willing to bet she's got 3-5 dudes on speed dial who can smash without even trying.
September 9, 2024
Anna Roberts
Are you feeling left out and upset? Trying to grasp your message. 🤔
September 9, 2024
Gary Dwyer
You can't go around hooking up with a bunch of guys when you're young and then expect them to treat you like a queen.
September 9, 2024
James Collins
After skimming through the comments, it's obvious that most of them are pretty mean (from both sides). It really shows what the dating scene is like, especially when it comes to intelligence. And don't even get me started on people who don't practice what they preach.
September 9, 2024
Brendan McLean
Come on, just grab a coffee and wander around a cool market or something. Reserve dinner for when you're really feeling a connection. My Tinder match and I are still going strong after 7 years and we're tying the knot soon!
September 9, 2024
Grant Martin
Being single is way better than being tied down. I can do what I want, I feel good, and I don't have to deal with any drama.
September 9, 2024
Leigh Giles
She nailed it, man. Lots of guys just can't show respect for women and that's what's holding them back.
September 9, 2024
Jason Woolley
Just going through the comments, it looks like young Aussies of any gender are struggling to have real-life conversations like regular humans. Blame social media and tech for stealing the spotlight from face-to-face chitchat. It's a bummer, but it's causing harm all around. Let's hope they can bridg... View More
September 9, 2024
Carolyn Morris
I worked with a man whose daughter preferred texting her friends in her room over meeting them in person at the local shops.
September 9, 2024
Andrew Dyer
Gender roles getting all mixed up these days means guys don't feel like they have to make the first move in dating. The whole dating scene is so open now that nothing really happens. Women are starting to feel the result of things being more equal now.
September 9, 2024
Roger Wood
Oh, it's just all part of this crazy cultural circus we've created, fueled by old grudges and misunderstandings between men and women. But hey, let's not let the past dictate our present! Let's live in the moment and stop the man-hating madness. It's time to break free from this cycle and embrace li... View More
September 9, 2024
Ann-Marie Hill
Yo, you spoutin' off some straight up nonsense, homie. Just point to where it's botherin' ya!
September 9, 2024
Rob Marshall
Guys didn't change the rules, we just rolled with how things are now.
September 9, 2024
Andrew Gray
September 9, 2024
James Harris
"I reckon those blokes leaving nasty comments on me videos are a real shame. Poor buggers mustn't have had much success with sheilas or know how to treat 'em right. It's all because they ain't got no respect for women."
September 10, 2024
I love just chillin' and not dealin' with all the drama. Being single is actually pretty awesome right now. You guys stress out way too much about having everything perfect - a great job, a house, finding the perfect partner, blah blah. Just chill and take it easy, man! 😁
September 10, 2024
George Wilson
My daughter is 29 and not in a relationship. She's been trying out those dating apps and keeps running into bad dates. I keep telling her to meet people the old-fashioned way - get out there, join a gym, a club, whatever. It's like nowadays, just being a cool and fun person isn't enough. Both sides ... View More
September 10, 2024
Peter Cook
I totally stumbled into a sausage fest at the meat market this weekend. There were way more chicks than dudes, and one guy tried to make a move but got curved hard. The whole scene was just awkward, with people just mingling and hoping to get hit on. I dipped out after my drink, feeling bad for the ... View More
September 10, 2024
Carlos Evans
I've been out here in the dating world and I gotta say, older dudes ain't really putting in the work. It's all about what works for them, and they just want to hook up and bounce. I ain't expecting them to foot the bill either. I'm cool with being single if that's all they're bringing to the table.
September 10, 2024
Social media is to blame, sheilas love a good old "look at me" moment, and blokes aren't keen on sheilas who put themselves out there.
September 10, 2024
Carl Miller
It's all about this new generation. They're totally lost. Entitled people only dating other entitled people.
September 10, 2024
Carl Patterson
Maddie is spilling all the tea about her experience, and getting mad love from everyone. Judging by these comments, she's totally backing up what she's saying.
September 10, 2024
Greg Mitchell
Bored! Dating is like a walk in the park for women, but for guys it's like climbing Mount Everest!
September 10, 2024
Crazy reactions! We're just wild creatures to play with and take advantage of. That's why there are now rules that totally favor the ladies, without really caring about the truth or proof, which are then used as ammo by spiteful women.
September 10, 2024
James Ross
I was back in the dating game until about a year and a half ago, and let me tell you, some girls are just looking for a free meal. They don't care about anything else, they just want to get what they can. It doesn't matter how much a guy tries.
September 10, 2024
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