Matthew Wilson
on July 19, 2024
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Blindsided he says. Nope they would have talked about this in the past for sure
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Glen Smith
In Straya, ya can say what ya want but don't be surprised if ya cop some backlash. When someone does wrong, fair dinkum mates will call it out.
July 19, 2024
Aaron Finden
Oh my god, I was there. It was totally boring. The crowd went nuts and cracked up at the comment.
July 19, 2024
Steve Dunstan
This can't be the end of the band mate!!
Aaron Hoskin
'Cause you know how rock stars never cause drama.
July 19, 2024
Shaun Cooke
The ones who complain about "Cancel Culture" the most are the ones now begging for TD to be canceled.
Philip Anderson
Can't believe they're getting all sensitive about this after all the rubbish the pro-Trump nutters and Trump spout - they say some awful things and then carry on about their 1st and 2nd amendment rights and no one bats an eye.
July 19, 2024
Harry Jones
Caught off guard. They were probably just joking around backstage, which is why the other person thought it was cool to say. I'm a fan, but I'm not blind to what's going on.
Craig Gibson
Now is the ideal moment for a hard rockin' cover band to pay homage to Tenacious D with a tribute tour aptly named "This is Definitely NOT Just a Tribute Tour!"
July 19, 2024
Keith Bryant
He's even more of a little gem than I expected, so long! 👋
Pat Thompson
What most people don't get is that if they didn't pull the plug on the tour, the senator was gonna keep hassling to cancel their visas. And if Jack's visa got canned, his rep as an international celeb in Hollywood could be in strife 'cause he might not be welcome back in Oz, sparking issues in visit... View More
Gary Jenkins
Oops Jack - your buddy's got us all on his side!
Michael Ruggiero
At first, I thought Jack Black was a little whacky. Just kidding! 🤣
Martin Bennett
I dig Jack Black, but this is shady. He totally saw this coming. Not cool throwing your buddy under the bus.
July 19, 2024
Frank Thomas
Stoked you got the chop!
Geoff Thomas
But I bet South Park will come out with a new episode about it next week
Daniel Beckett
It's hypocritical that nobody is cancelling they/them on TikTok while music fans who booked flights and accommodation are experiencing difficulties.
Aaron Sammut
I think Jack Black bailing on the shows means there's more drama going on than just those comments.
Matthew Baker
It's a bloody funny show! Chuck your talent agency and get yourself a new one.
Greg Watson
Jack Black can still have a crack! We reckon he's a legend!
Anthony Little
Welcome to the land of easily triggered snowflakes! Trump would totally roast someone like that and y'all would still worship him, ha!
David Watson
Those yammering on about free speech need to chill. He said it and he's not getting in any trouble for it. That's what free speech is all about.
Chris Evans
That comment was absolutely shameful! There are plenty of other things to make jokes about. This is not one of them. People have died!!!!
Eddie Taylor
Chill out, no need to scrap the NZ tour, we're not as easily triggered as Aussies round here.
Danny Stokes
Suddenly and unexpectedly? Nah, I reckon they're just yarnin' about their grudges in private. If Jack wasn't keen on it, he would've spoken up straight after Kyle piped up. No worries, mate, I won't back your tunes or flicks anymore.
Michael Smith
I thought someone was saying something super hateful in the crowd, but it was just a bad joke about shootings. Like, as if people aren't getting shot all the time in the US. Talk about blowing things out of proportion!
Ben Jeffrey
Sweet. I've been a huge fan of Jack Black and Tenacious D since the 90's, but this has made me rethink that.
July 19, 2024
Nikki Harris
Feeling sorrowful.
The man narrowly escaped being killed by a bullet, but someone else did die. It's a serious moment right now, so it's not the time for jokes.
Rod Fielding
Mate, stop carrying on, you're in Straya now. We love a good laugh and a bit of sarcasm. Lighten up! 😂
Mitchell Harrison
Stay woke, get broke!
Harry Butler
It's like, everyone's all about Freedom of Speech and Expression, but what about the Freedom to React? Trump's got way more support than the news is letting on – he was just messing around, and Jack Black totally called him out on it.
July 19, 2024
John Martin
Before and after ticket sales will show the scheme 🤔
Douglas Campbell
Good on ya, Black, for giving it a go.
Luis Campbell
Get some balls, mate
Eric Young
I reckon it's a crack-up how all the lefties are bending over backward to defend these comments. If a conservative said the same thing about Biden or anyone else, they'd be bloody furious. The double standards and hypocrisy are off the charts.
David Ward
You can say what you want, but be ready for the backlash.
Who cares about some joke about a US politician! We just want to have a good time and be entertained, so everyone chill out.
July 19, 2024
Ian Ferguson
I was sure Jack Black was a big Dem supporter. I guess Kyle thought it would impress the others when he said that.
John Harrison
Maybe Kyle's comment wasn't the best, just a shoutout..🤝
He laughed and said, "I love this guy" which was amusing.
I'm really into Jack Black. It's good he's keepin' his distance from that mess.
Harry Hargreaves
That shot was so bad, he was only 100 yards away and still missed! But hey, it's American politics so who really cares. We survived the last Trump presidency, we can handle the next one too!🤞🤣
We all know what Jack Black reckons about Trump, which is okay, but to have a laugh at someone nearly carking it, and someone actually doing so, and wishing they’d kicked the bucket is more than just not liking someone. It shows you everything you need to know about their views on human life. 😡🖕
Andrew McVeigh
Bit of a bloody overreaction there, mate.
July 19, 2024
Ryan Howard
Sorry mate, I'm done ✌️
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