Geoff Harrison
on June 8, 2024
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I am pretty sure that Walsh was not a target. All the hits are that little bit bigger in Origin
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Bill Hardiman
That's why I'm blaming the ref for that hit. In the first set of six for QLD, Walsh kicked the ball and got hit late, but the ref didn't call a penalty. If the ref had called them out then, they probably wouldn't have kept doing it because they were getting penalized.
Andrew Muir
There was no sneaky plan, everyone knew this was coming thanks to the media buzz. It was just a game of guessing which team would pull the trigger. They probably thought they could slide under the radar because it was State of Origin. I even heard a Fox commentator suggesting that fans who splurged ... View More
Eric Wright
Why was the princess jumping like crazy when someone scored a try if she was knocked out cold?
Giovanni Piras
The game is made exciting by players like Reece, violence should have no place in any aspect of life or sport. I appreciate the ref for removing the offender, and I hope the young man is doing well. 👍
June 7, 2024
 Michael Cooper
You can't swap out a person for a rugby ball, but you sure can use it in a game! Reece's injury could have been really serious. The suspension was a reminder to all the footy players to follow the rules.
Andrew Brady
Qld didn't even bother trying to take down Kurt Gidley when they launched that bomb at him and charged in with all their elbows and knees. It's all part of the Origin fun, so let the game go on!
Peter Sanders
He should be out for the rest of the season and not getting paid. The media is all over how bad those hits can be on the body/brain.
Paul Smith
Obviously, he was totally singled out. I mean, taken down in the blink of an eye! Sua'li'i just followed orders out there.
David Ward
You must be taking the piss
Peter Ferrari
In sports, the best players are always the ones getting picked on! If you're not targeting them as a coach, you're not doing your job right. Just make sure you play by the rules - nobody wants to get in trouble! Taking care of your players is important, but stopping the other team is just as crucial... View More
Jose Wilson
What went down with Reese Walsh was supposed to rattle Queensland, but it ended up blowing up in NSW's face because Kobbo and the Hammer absolutely dominated them.
Andrew Lee
Watching him getting smashed is better than winning the all-time greatest hit in footy history in the NRL.
Jarrod Mills
Wow, isn't it wild how all these chirps are flying in from News Ltd, who just so happen to be the proud parents of Qld Rugby League through the Broncos?
June 7, 2024
He is a target because he is a great player and NSW think they have a chance if they eliminate him.
John Theodorakopoulos
Haha, we totally called it. They're so scared of Reece.
Adrian King
The ref needs to call a penalty every time Walsh gets tackled. We can't have players trying to tackle each other on purpose. We don't want that coming back into the game.
Oscar Peterson
He was always picked on, we know that.
Brandon Washington
Oh, it was totally a plot, and everyone knew about it! The Blues and the NSW media were shouting it from the rooftops that they were gunning for Walsh. And guess what? They actually did it. But targeting Walsh wasn't just about taking down a talented player, it was a direct hit to the morale of all ... View More
June 7, 2024
Thomas Roberts
I'm from Queensland and to be fair, everyone just needs to move on... sure, it was a rough tackle but if Walsh wasn't already losing his footing, he wouldn't have copped a hit to the noggin. And why would they chance losing a player for the rest of the game by putting them in the sin bin or sending ... View More
June 7, 2024
Darryl Fisher
I reckon Walsh copped it for the team, went down and got a Blues player red-carded, sealing the deal for a QLD victory.
Brad MacDonald
No worries mate, it's just the way the game goes in Rugby League. Move on and crack on with it.
Stephen Williams
Why do we need to constantly relive every moment? Players must be safeguarded from risky play. After a decade of peak performance, they often become coaches or commentators. Their families witness potential life-altering injuries. Just like in any other job, injured workers seek compensation and hav... View More
Andrew Bryant
I was bloody close to chucking when I saw how he stacked it. I might be a Queenslander, but I would've been just as shocked if a Queenslander did the same to a New South Wales player. Not a great way to go down like that. Look at other footy blokes who carked it years down the track from a hidden br... View More
June 7, 2024
Harry Raymond
Bloody hell, c'mon mate, if he had nailed his chest like he was supposed to, it would've been a ripper hit! But nah, Walsh ducked down and got hit in the noggin instead. Probably intentional, but not fair dinkum. Go Queensland!
Martin Wood
I was bloody thinking this before the bloody game that they would bloody do something like this. Didn't have to bloody wait too long. Similar bloody thing happened in Magic Round. It's the bloody people who pay good money to see Reece play miss out also???? GO QUEENSLAND
Scott Martin
NSW can never catch a W, it's just how it is. We'd love to get a win, but even though QLD keeps winning, they still love to complain every game. Must be in their state's DNA.
Craig Martin
There were some sly whispers (possibly from those Blues folks, although you never know!) about pulling this off before the game - definitely not a secret was totally intentional...and that was their strategy. Maybe it didn't go exactly as they had hoped...
June 7, 2024
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