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on June 7, 2024
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Do you think Joseph Suaalii shuld have been sent off?
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Joe Ferrara
Joseph was all in, Walsh messed up, and Klein had a choice to make, so he went with what he thought was the best move.
Juan Gonzalez
Nah, that's just originality for ya! Reece was taking a tumble and Joey was all in for the tackle. A time out would have been enough. The boot out totally messed up the game yesterday.
Kyle Baker
I'm a Queenslander but Reece accidentally fell into it, so maybe give him a max of ten.
June 6, 2024
Amie Morton
Woo hoo! Finally, a Queenslander with a brainwave!
Klein's all over the place with his calls, the bunker is a mess, and the players are clueless! And don't even get me started on how soft the game has become! Maybe Walsh needs to invest in some better cleats to keep himself on his feet!
If Teddy got knocked out of the game, you guys would be bawling even more than you already are. You'd probably be wishing our player was out for the whole season. And what's the deal with your captain getting benched for most of the game? He usually plays 70 to 80 minutes at Manly.
June 6, 2024
Jayden Clark
They had their sights set on Reece...but totally overlooked...the trusty hammer!
Brad Gill
Originating in the bin, it only takes 10 minutes.
Billy Muir
Yes, send him but only for 10 minutes and let the MRC handle it. State of Origin is not touch footy, watch the women tonight, they hit harder than the first game.
Dale Phillips
It was totally Walsh who gave Sualii's shoulder a little love tap! I mean, Sualii's shoulder belonged there, but Walsh's head definitely didn't. That call totally threw off NSW and let QLD score right away. Game, set, match.
Ronald Young
Just ten little minutes! Totally not enough to spoil the fun. I turned away when that happened.
Brian Walsh
Despite Walsh slipping, he still managed to hit him in the head during the send off. No room for complaints, to be honest.
Mick O'Neill
Yeah, nah. His suspension wasn't too harsh for an accident.
Andrew Perry
A lot of players go after Walsh for their own reasons, and the Blues knew what he could do, so it's no shock that Suaalii got kicked out.
Nick Anderson
Was Ashley Klein scoring that gig the right move?
Andrew Adams
Yep jumped into it, eyes glued to the floor, not giving a damn about where we collided.
June 6, 2024
Edward Hall
Is Reece not playing tonight in the NRLW State of Origin because he can't handle playing with the big boys, and Daddy Kev can't protect him?
Willie Mitchell
It wasn't just the right call, mate. It was the only call! Let's hope the penalty is dished out fair dinkum, like in State of Origin matches, not club games.
Jason Sharp
Yep, I just went for it, not giving a damn where I hit.
June 6, 2024
He should have just gotten a slap on the wrist and kept playing because Walsh got a little too friendly with a high tackle.
Peter Fumagalli
Oh yeah, he totally meant to do it! That right arm was glued to Sualii's side the whole time. It was definitely gonna be a shoulder charge, no matter where Walsh got hit.
Thomas Harris
There was no sin bin, both players were going for the ball and Reece slipped and got injured. NSW was at a disadvantage and should have walked off because playing with one less player was costly in the state of origin game.
Peter Thompson
Oh for sure! Like, he totally didn't even have his arms out for the tackle and went straight for the head!
Alex Jones
Absolutely. NSW deserves consequences for allowing thugs in the game.
Brenton Smith
If the roles were switched, there would be no argument, so the answer is yes.
June 6, 2024
It looked like Joseph was all in, but Walsh messed up, and that led to a bad outcome. Klein had to decide what to do, and he went with what he thought was the best choice.
Oh for sure... they were gunning for Reese in every way possible!
June 6, 2024
No bro, that's what origin is all about. Reece was going down and Joey was already locked in for the tackle. Putting him in the sin bin would have been enough. Kicking him out of the game messed up last night's match.
Doug Brennan
This tackle, mate, you don't see it every week, but when it's Queensland involved, forget about it! That's why me and heaps of others don't bother watching league.
Jack Young
Yeah, whoever be whining about that call needs to get their act together and learn the rules. It was a clear shoulder to head hit and NSW got served for it. They didn't do nothing when May put Walsh in the hospital with a busted eye socket, so I'm happy they finally made the right call this time. ... View More
June 6, 2024
Jasmine Hetherington
Did Ashley Klein scoring the job feel like a slam dunk?
Peter Henderson
It was hella scary and I wanna hear what y'all think about 2 things.
Shane Wilson
If Teddy took that hit and was benched, you blues would be bawling even harder. You'd be begging for our guy to be out for good. And what's up with your captain getting sidelined for most of the game? He usually goes the distance at Manly.
June 6, 2024
Michael O'Brien
I bet most of the people saying no are just NSW fans. But would they still say the same if the tables were turned?
Joseph Clark
He should've copped a penalty, mate, and kept playin' on 'cause Walsh copped a high hit tryin' to dodge the tackle.
Walsh headbutted Sualii's shoulder, shaking up NSW and leading to QLD's immediate scoring. Game over.
Johnny Rodriguez
Yep, absolutely foul and planned in advance. They even spruiked that they were gonna sort him out.
Yeah, mate. Absolutely revolting and planned. They even spruiked that they were gonna knock him off.
Brenton Murdoch
Yeah mate, he meant to do it. His right arm never left Sualii's side. It was always gonna be a shoulder charge, no matter where Walsh got hit.
That shit looked mad scary, wanna hear what y'all think about 2 things.
Steve Kirby
It wasn't just the fair dinkum decision, mate. It was the only bloody decision!!! Hope the penalty is fair dinkum in line with the offence - State of origin games, not club games.
Christopher Lopez
Yes, knocking out a player does not guarantee winning a match; skill does, as shown by the final score.
Yeah, whoever's whining about it not being the right call needs to grow a pair and have a read of the rules. It was a shoulder to head clash and NSW copped it on the chin. They didn't do anything when May corked Walsh's eye socket, so I'm stoked they made the right decision this time.
June 6, 2024
Mitchell Johnson
That was a tricky one, didn't even have possession, but made contact with the noggin... for sure a stint in the sin bin, but gotta trust the Ref's decision. It was Walsh after all, and you know he's always a marked man.
Randy Wright
Dave Graham
It seems suspicious that publicly announcing a player acquisition happened so quickly, and it's fortunate to receive a short suspension from a likely favored Sydney team.
June 6, 2024
Ann Eagle
If that player wasn't such a delicate flower, it would be game on! That guy is a total showpony.
Brad Schutz
Oh for sure! It wasn't the knockout that sealed the deal, it was all about skill and strategy. Just check out the final score, it tells the whole story.
Danny Kelly
No worries, send him in but only for 10 minutes then let the MRC handle it. C'mon guys, it's state of origin, not touch footy. Watch the women's game tonight, I reckon they hit harder than the blokes did in the first game.
Chris Watts
It's easy peasy to get, folks! If you make any rough or head-on contact on purpose or by mistake, you're outta here. No need for debates or detective work!
Brandon Henderson
Yes, but his suspension was not too severe for just an accident.
Anthony Nicholls
Isn't Reece playing the NRLW State of Origin tonight because he can't handle playing with the big boys and Daddy Kev can't protect him?
Nah, that tackle was straight up dirty, got what he deserved with that sin bin and 5 weeks off. But damn, it totally messed up the game.
Robert Johnstone
This tackle happens all the time, but of course it had to involve Queensland. That's why me and a bunch of others don't bother watching league.
Jay Willis
That was a tricky one! No ball, head clash... yup, definitely a timeout in the sin bin. But hey, I trust the Ref's decision. Walsh is a real threat on the field, so it's no surprise he's getting some extra attention.
Kevin Howard
If you're a Yes-person, steer clear of rugby and hit the lanes for some bowling fun instead!
Danny Fordham
Yeah, we don't need no hoodlums in this game. That's what you get NSW.
Ralph Bryant
No penalty box action, but it's a real man's game with both players going for the ball. Reece slipped up and took a hard hit, unfortunately. This is like a state of origin match. NSW is definitely at a disadvantage and they should have all protested having to play with one player down, it's gonna co... View More
Mark Moore
10 minutes in the sin bin and a penalty, that's all she wrote.
Yup, for sure! The thing is, he didn't even have his arms out reaching for the tackle, he just went straight for the player's noggin!
It was quite the farewell, a bit of bad luck with Walsh slipping, but he still nailed him right in the noggin. Can't really argue with that, to be honest!
Luke Hall
Yep, they meant to do it.
John Byrne
Oh yeah, that hit was totally on purpose!
Klein's inconsistent rulings confuse players in the bunker, making the game too soft. Walsh should consider longer studs to avoid slipping.
I bet most of the naysayers are just salty NSW fans. Wonder if they'd still be singing the same tune if the tables were turned?
Thomas Brooks
HELL NO! That tackle straight up wrecked the game, but let's be real, it was dirty AF and that player definitely deserved to be sent to the sin bin and suspended for 5 weeks.
Jonathan Gonzales
Head contact, whether intentional or accidental, results in a send off without needing further evaluation.
Aaron Burgess
Anyone who reckons "Yes" should steer clear of the footy and give lawn bowls a go.
Rick Meza
The origin of "10 minutes in the bin".
Liam Grant
Sure, let's tidy up the game before someone gets hurt or ends up with a superpower they didn't ask for!
James Wright
Blues targeted Walsh, knew his capabilities, and planned accordingly, resulting in Suaalii's ejection.
It seems planned and fortunate to get a short suspension from a favored team after successfully acquiring a player publicly.
June 6, 2024
Charles Rivera
If the roles were switched, there would be no doubt about it... yup!
June 7, 2024
They went after Reece, but totally missed the hammer.
James McKay
10 in the box and a penalty, that's all she wrote.
Marc Nicholls
In less than ten minutes, the game was ruined and I stopped watching.
Adam Francis
Absolutely, they were determined to target Reese in any way possible.
June 7, 2024
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