Dennis Evans
on April 25, 2024
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This has turned into a big news story. Why??????
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Brett Freeman
She was all over TV trying to get her message across. There's way more important stuff going on in the world right now. It's not all about her.
If ya start disruptin' a stand-up comedy gig or carry on hecklin' too much, the performer will kick ya out or get security to kick ya out. It's the same deal here, his rhythm got messed up and it was messin' with his show.
Jeremy Rodriguez
The funniest show I've been to had a mix of vomit and baby poo smells, perfect for enjoying with some beers.
Mark McNeil
I saw a comment on one of the articles from 2000 about this mess, where someone said they'd hook this mom up with tickets to any show she wants as long as they stop talking about it...starting to agree with that sentiment!
Ryan Wright
I can't believe how much hype this little thing is getting, it's no big deal at all.
Christopher Graham
He should make it clear on the ticket if anyone under 15 is not allowed instead of allowing people 14 and under to attend with a parent or guardian.
Jim Richardson
The outcome wasn't as desired for the mom or MSM.
April 24, 2024
Juan Bailey
He's spot-on. She's a total oddball. Let's just keep moving! 😂
Clarence Gonzalez
Take a chill pill and keep it moving
The public always got arj’s back. The media just be starting drama out of nowhere.
April 24, 2024
Brendon Murphy
I reckon this yarn is finally wrapped up. Fair dinkum over hearing about it!
Wyatt Davis
The mainstream media been trying to throw shade at Arj and it backfired. Makes you wonder what they were trying to pull?
Jose Washington
Yep, common sense side... so nice to see something different.
For real, it's donezo now, can we just bounce?
Terry Adams
Okay, seriously! Kids are literally starving and suffering in Gaza. I don't give a damn about Arj Barker.
Diana Ross
You got it!
Matteo Rossi
Nothin' worse than a wailin' bub at a live gig. I love 'em, but not screechin' during a performance. Mum should've taken off on her own accord.
Michael Moore
The spot should've turned her away. It was only for 15 and up. Like, Arj didn't do anything shady.
Lex Pantelis
The folks have spoken and good ol' common sense has won the day! Let's give her a break from the spotlight now, pretty please.
Ethan Williams
She's just chasing that paper, nothing else!
Never reckoned he was a ripper. The bub didn't think so either. 🤣😂😂😂😂😂 🤣Oh well, definitely not a fair dinkum news piece. Just a bit of a laugh maybe 😉 . A pro could have handled it, but not sure I'd bring a baby to that gig.
April 25, 2024
Nick Anderson
I'm so done with this story.
April 25, 2024
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