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on April 24, 2024
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Do you think that it is to hard for young people to buy a house?
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Scott Green
It's going on for all generations, not just hers.
Todd Barnes
I can't believe some of y'all act like it's the end of the world if you have a coffee every once in a while. Geez, some people are just so annoying.
Chris Morgan
Do yourself a solid and check out the Barefoot investor - it's life-changing! I only wish I had known about it sooner. If you adopt the Alpaca mentality he talks about, anything is achievable. My partner and I started following his advice a few months back and it's already made a huge difference in ... View More
Greg Collins
Have you ever thought about not being a fitness trainer and maybe becoming a neurosurgeon or even the Prime Minister instead?
David Harding
My sons, both over 20, want to move out but are being turned down due to lack of rental history.
April 23, 2024
Can't they just chill at the place for a year or two and then get some rental experience?
David Johnston
Having your own space is fancy, but living with roommates would be a better idea than dealing with a super long commute.
April 23, 2024
Kevin Smith
Apologies for my direct approach, but I stumbled upon your profile and really like it.
Andrew Wylie
Some of 'em don't wanna work full time. Plus, they live in a 1 bedroom flat.
April 23, 2024
Doris Thomas
can't be bothered working at all
Yeah, just chill at home and leech off the 'rents, who busted their butts their whole life and still gotta foot the bill for their grown-ass kids.
David Viney
Living in a highly commercialized world leads to prioritizing wants over needs, often driven by advertising. By focusing on needs first and avoiding unnecessary purchases, it is easier to attain financial stability. The pressure to buy now and pay later through credit cards can lead to financial str... View More
Ben Clark
Many "Boomers" lived in their parents' spare rooms or converted garages with their babies until they could afford their own homes.
Alex Grozos
Media outlets love stirring up controversy to increase engagement and attract attention.
Dave Gardiner
As long as they cough up their rent on time and cover their own grub, all good.
Anthony Terlich
I suspect the politician is profiting from overpopulating the country and forcing people to pay high rental prices.
April 23, 2024
David Johnston
We hear these stories every day and know what's going on.
Charles Long
That's just the way it is, we've all had a go at it at some point I reckon
April 23, 2024
The price of a house these days is like, ten times what people make in a year, instead of the 4-5 times it used to be. And yeah, blame it on avocado toast, but it's no wonder us young folks are having a tough time.
I hope they don't expect a free ride and are mature enough to handle their own laundry. They can't just waltz in and out whenever they feel like it, expecting everything to be handed to them. They're not kids anymore, so they should pitch in and help out mom and dad, who are already doing so much fo... View More
Tom Elliott
This ain't just about the spoiled, entitled generation - we all in the same boat, hustlin'. Rent, mortgages, and bills be goin' up for everybody. So quit makin' it a blame game on just one group.
Adrian Gregory
The reason we have a housing crisis is because everyone is only looking out for themselves. We're supposed to be a community that helps each other out, not trying to make a quick buck off of each other. If we all worked together and didn't buy into these ridiculous prices, things would go back to no... View More
April 24, 2024
Aaron Donegan
Some of us don't have the option to rely on family and need to figure out a solution for ourselves.
Mick Russell
You must appreciate those who find humor in the challenges faced by young individuals.
Cooper Marshall
Back in the day, it was all about the individual. But now, with all these rich kids blowing up on YouTube and TikTok, why bother sticking to the old school ways? Working in a car factory used to be the dream, but it's not the same vibe anymore.
Anthony Skinner
"My squad can't get dome"
That's why Albo is pitching in with all the new people coming into the country.
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