Virginia Collins
on April 23, 2024
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So you are married but don't live together. WTF
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Brendon Campbell
I hear ya, man. Dealing with super funds can be a total nightmare. They're always finding some way to screw you over with no way to fight back. It's so frustrating and just makes me feel more and more hopeless. Those super funds can be real jerks.
Brandon Taylor
Alrighty then! I toiled away for two long years, jumping through hoops and facing even worse obstacles, all for nothing in the end.
Chris Rae
At one point in history, only the poor slept together.
April 22, 2024
My friend and I have a platonic relationship and have been friends for 20 years. We are not looking for other partners and will be living in separate places in Tasmania.
Glen Smith
Me and my buddy have been friends for 20 years and we're not looking for other partners right now, but we're gonna live in different places in Tassie. It's strictly platonic between us.
April 23, 2024
Anthony Holmes
I ain't playing that game! If something were to happen to me, I'm making sure everything is set in stone. No way I'm leaving it up to chance like my two friends did.
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