Nicole Cooper
on April 2, 2024
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Bloody hell barking dogs are so bad
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Richard Thomas
Oh yeah, that mystery neighbor. They were always complaining about something. The rangers asked them to keep a log of every little noise for 2 weeks. Well, they did. But the funny thing is, my dogs were actually at the kennel while I was on vacation! The kennel and my vet confirmed it was a bogus co... View More
April 1, 2024
Brett Kavanagh
LOL, that's jokes!
Beau Smith
I previously dealt with noise complaints from my next-door neighbors, but the local council wouldn't take action unless it was extreme. My dogs were small and elderly, so I was relieved when a new family with children moved in next door.
April 1, 2024
Andrew Moyle
I was chillin with my daughter when our neighbor hit her up in the middle of the night to complain about our dogs barking. My daughter, who was workin' FIFO, hit me up to check on the pups. Turns out, our dogs were sleepin' peacefully in their doghouse while some other mutts were causing a ruckus up... View More
Gary Smith
I know this bloke who had his dog poisoned while he was at the office. No note, nothin', just went and killed his dog. Couldn't even prove it.
April 1, 2024
Gerald White
We had a total nutjob neighbor who kept snitching on us to the cops about our barking dog. Little did he know, our dog had been long gone for two weeks. When we got a new pooch, he still wouldn't stop calling the cops, even when we were on vacay with our furry friend. And to top it off, he would ann... View More
April 1, 2024
I've been through this before and figured out it was the wimpy neighbor next door, but whatever. I went to the city hall and they basically said they don't care unless the barking is nonstop day and night. My dogs were small and elderly and always inside anyways. I was so happy when I moved out and ... View More
Alexander Cameron
Lots of people complain about their dogs for no reason, or not even their own dogs. Why not try to get to know your neighbors, if you can? I know all my neighbors and their dogs' names, and we all make sure to let each other know if our dogs are being noisy.
Dane Thomas
I reckon those dogs that bark non-stop all day are a real pain, but their owners often don't realize until you point it out. It's best to speak up early before it drives you bonkers and makes you look like a real tyrant.
I can't stand those non-stop yappers, but maybe their humans just don't realize it! Better to nip it in the bud before it drives you crazy and you start barking back at them!
Bill New
I can't stand those non-stop yappers, but maybe their humans just don't realize it! It's better to speak up early before you get super annoyed and start getting snappy.
Gary Jenkins
Oh yeah, the mystery neighbor. They just wouldn't stop complaining. The rangers told them to write down every little noise they heard for two weeks. They did, but my dogs were actually at the kennel while I was on vacation! The kennel and my vet confirmed it was a bogus complaint. Better luck next t... View More
April 2, 2024
Katie Watkins
That's so funny!
Ty Gardiner
That's why I adore my neighbor. He got on my case for shushing the kids and dogs. He enjoyed the sound of them playing and barking. Sadly, he's no longer with us. What a sweet old man.
Bob Jones
Our neighbors think they're slick with their speed dial to the council about our dogs. I work from home and it's quieter than a library in here. The council is catching onto their pesky complaints, since they can't back them up, won't show the diary they were told to keep, and have no plans to actua... View More
David Mason
I can't stand those dogs that won't shut up all day, but their owners are clueless until you point it out. It's better to speak up early before it drives you crazy and you start looking like a jerk.
There's nothing more annoying than owners who let their dogs bark constantly in the early morning and late at night. Dealing with the same issue with my dog right now. He's barking non-stop from 3 am to 6 am.
April 2, 2024
Mark Skorich
Small dogs at our neighbor's house are barking non-stop; some people shouldn't have pets.
We already been through this before with our pups causing a ruckus. What’s new is we had no clue until the neighbor came and gave us a heads up about it.
Aaron Finden
I can't stand it when owners let their dogs yap!
Aaron Sammut
I can't stand dogs that bark non-stop all day, but their owners are clueless until you call them out. It's better to speak up early before it drives you crazy and you end up looking like a jerk.
Daniel Cooper
Sounds like she knows her dogs bark and lets them carry on, even if it's not actually her neighbors who are hearing it all night.
Todd Washington
We've heard this before, and damn, it was our pooches causing the ruckus. But we had no clue until our neighbor came by and gave us a heads up in a chill way.
We've had this same issue before, and it turns out our dogs were the culprits. The only thing is, we had no clue until the neighbor came and gently told us about it.
Our neighbors keep calling the council about our dogs non-stop. I work from home and it's usually super quiet around here. The council is starting to think their complaints are bogus because they can't show any proof, don't keep the diary the council asked for, and don't plan on taking any action. O... View More
Not a fan of dogs, but it's usually the owners' fault for not walking them. Based on my experiences, pet owners are usually the issue.
Glenn Beckett
I'm copping non-stop noise from those bloody yappy dogs two houses over. Some people just shouldn't have pets.
April 2, 2024
James Newman
I previously experienced noise from cowardly neighbors, but the council wouldn't help unless it was constant barking. Thankful for new neighbors with children and a pool.
Our neighbors be snitching to the council about our dogs all the time. I'm always at home working and it's hella quiet most of the time. The council ain't buying their complaints anymore cuz they can't prove nothing, won't show the council the diary they were given, and ain't gonna do jack about it.... View More
Joe Johnson
Oh yeah, that mystery neighbor. They kept griping about every little thing. The rangers told them to write down every noise they heard for two weeks. They did, but turns out my dogs were actually at the kennel while I was on vacation! The kennel and my vet confirmed it was a bogus complaint. Better ... View More
LOL! That's so funny!
She seems to know her dogs bark and lets them bark all night, causing a disturbance for the neighbors.
Bevan Moore
There are heaps of people getting complaints about their dogs that are unfair or not even their own. Why not try to get to know your neighbours (if you can)? I know all my neighbours and their dogs' names, and we always let each other know if our dogs are being a nuisance.
Joshua Taylor
I've dealt with this situation before and figured out it was my wimpy next-door neighbor. I went to my town's office and they basically said they wouldn't do anything unless the barking was super loud all the time. My little old pups were always inside, so I was relieved when a family with kids move... View More
Peter Sanchez
I'm sick of those bloody yappy little dogs next door. Some people shouldn't own pets.
Ashton Forsyth
Constantly noisy little dogs from two houses away are bothering me. Some people aren't fit to have pets.
Jason Torres
This is not the first time we've received this complaint, but we were unaware it was our dogs until our neighbor informed us politely.
April 2, 2024
Robbie Lynch
Our neighbors keep calling the city about our dogs, but the council doesn't take their complaints seriously. Our dogs are pretty quiet, and we have cameras to prove it. They sleep inside, and I'd be the first to know if they were barking all night.
Benji Reynolds
Council just gonna be like, "Make a log and that's it, no more action." Love my neighbors, two of them got noisy dogs and the other one actually likes it 'cause it scares off robbers.
Chris Kennedy
This complaint about our dogs has been brought up before, but we were unaware until our neighbor kindly informed us.
April 2, 2024
Peter Watkins
I can't stand dogs that bark non-stop all day. Owners usually don't realize it until you point it out, so it's best to mention it early before it drives you nuts and you end up looking mean.
Michael Pozzi
I've been through this before and I figured out it was the wimpy neighbor next door. I went to the town hall, but they basically said they wouldn't do anything unless the barking was really bad all the time. My little old dogs were always inside anyway. I was relieved when a family with three kids m... View More
Alex Brazier
I tried politely asking my neighbor to do something about their noisy dog, but I just got yelled at by some jerk. There are way too many dogs in apartments and crowded neighborhoods, and it's only going to keep getting noisier.
Warren Hart
I can't stand dogs that won't shut up, but their owners don't realize it until you tell them. It's best to speak up early before you get really annoyed and come off as mean.
Chris Dixon
My neighbor was always whinging about my dog barkin', but the thing is me pooch had carked it 18 months ago.
Daniel Marsh
Ah yeah, the mystery neighbour. I copped complaint after complaint. The rangers told them to keep a log of every bark for 2 weeks. When I saw the diary... bloody detailed! Only issue was my dogs were in the kennel while I was on holiday! Evidence from the kennel and my vet proved it was a load of ru... View More
April 2, 2024
Michael Castelli
I can't stand those annoying little dogs that never stop barking two houses over. Some people really shouldn't have pets.
Tom Nicholson
It seems like she's cool with her dogs barking all night long, even though it's probably not even her dogs bothering the neighbors.
Tyler Smith
This complaint has been raised before, but this time we were unaware until our neighbor kindly informed us.
Dogs don't bark just for kicks... if they're yapping at a noise, that makes sense. But constant barking for ages isn't cool, so be a good neighbor and take action if your pup gets too carried away.
It seems like she's cool with her dogs barking all night, even though it might not be her dogs that are waking up the neighbors.
Darren Smith
Our neighbors keep calling the council about our dogs, but they don't have any real proof. I work from home and it's usually super quiet. The council doesn't really take their complaints seriously anymore since they can't back it up with evidence. Our dogs hardly bark, we have cameras to prove it, a... View More
Jose Simmons
Lots of folks complain about their dogs for no good reason or when it's not even their dog. Maybe we should all make an effort to get to know our neighbors. I know all my neighbors and their dogs by name, and we always let each other know if our dogs are acting up.
John Smith
Neighbors complained about noise from my dogs, but they were actually at a boarding kennel while I was on vacation. Evidence from the kennel and vet proved the complaint was false, and the neighbors eventually moved away.
April 2, 2024
Jason Brennan
hehe! That's a crack up!
Gavin Rankin
Lots of folks complain about their dogs for no reason, or they blame the wrong pup. Maybe folks should just chat with their neighbors when they can. I personally know all my neighbors and their dogs, so if there's any issues, we can sort it out together.
Chris Evans
We've had this prob before and it was our mutts causing the trouble. The only thing is we didn't even know until the neighbor came over and gave us a heads up about it.
April 2, 2024
Graham Hewitt
It seems like she's fully aware of her dogs barking all night and doesn't do anything about it, even if it's not really her dogs causing the disturbance for the neighbors.
Oh man, that mysterious neighbor was always complaining about noise! The rangers had them keep a bark diary for two weeks, but turns out my dogs weren't even home, they were at the kennel while I was on vacation! The kennel and vet confirmed it was a bogus complaint. Oh well, better luck next time, ... View More
April 2, 2024
Sounds like she's onto her dogs' barking and lets them carry on, even if it's not her dogs that are keeping the neighbours up at night.
She seems to know when her dogs are barking and lets them carry on, even if it's not her dogs keeping the neighbors up all night.
Clinton Fenton
I found out my neighbors had two big dogs after over a year of not hearing them or knowing they existed.
April 2, 2024
Darren Miller
Noisy small dogs from two doors down are causing me trouble. Some people shouldn't have pets.
April 2, 2024
Adam Lester
There are so many folks out there who get gripes about their furry friends that are totally unfounded or not even their own pups. How about we all make an effort to connect with our neighbors (if we can) and get to know them better? I make a point to know all my neighbors and their pooches by name, ... View More
Anthony Wirth
I've dealt with this before and figured out it was those scaredy cats next door. So, I went to my local council and they basically said they wouldn't do anything unless the barking was crazy all day and night. My little senior dogs were always inside, so I was relieved when a family with kids moved ... View More
Anderson Cameron
Lots of folks complain about their dogs for no reason or when it's not even their dog causing trouble. Maybe people should just try to be friendly with their neighbors. I make sure to know everyone on my block and their pups' names. If our dogs are being loud, we give each other a heads up.
Ralph Washington
I have to put up with those non-stop barking ankle-biters living two houses away. Some people shouldn't own pups.
Steve Afkos
I've been through this before and figured out it was just the wimpy neighbor next door. So I hit up my local council and they basically said unless the barking is non-stop 24/7, they ain't gonna do anything about it. My little dogs were chillin' inside most of the time anyways. So when I finally mov... View More
Howard Cooper
I can't stand those non-stop yappers, but hey, their owners might not even realize it until you speak up! It's better to bring it up early before you start getting super annoyed and seem like a grump.
Stephen Williams
Dang, these woofers just won't quit! 24/7 barking is driving me bonkers!
April 2, 2024
Bradley Armstrong
Our neighbors stay calling the man on us about our dogs. I be working from home and it's quiet as a mouse most of the time. The man don't take their complaints seriously no more cause they ain't got no proof, don't show the diary the man gave them, and ain't gonna do nothin' about it. Our dogs hardl... View More
Carlos Evans
Yeah mate, had this mystery neighbour causing a fuss. Kept whinging to the rangers about every little noise. They were told to write down every bark for 2 weeks. When I saw the diary, it was so detailed. But there was one tiny issue - my dogs were in the kennel while I was on holiday! Got statements... View More
April 2, 2024
Sharon Perez
Haha! That's so funny!
Matt Stevens
Oh man, that mystery neighbor was always on my case with complaints. The rangers even had them keep a bark diary for two weeks to record every little noise. They did it, but the funny thing is my dogs were actually at the boarding kennel while I was on vacation! The kennel and my vet confirmed it wa... View More
April 2, 2024
Matthew Smith
Our neighbors stay snitching to the council about our dogs. I work from home and it's quiet as a mouse most of the time. The council thinks their complaints are bogus because they can't back it up, don't follow the rules, and don't plan on doing anything about it. Our dogs hardly bark, we got camera... View More
Daniel Jones
Our bloody neighbours keep calling the council about our dogs. I work from home and it's so quiet you could hear a gum leaf drop. The council reckon their complaints are a load of bull because they've got no evidence, won't show the diary the council asked for, and aren't planning to do bugger all a... View More
Wayne Reid
Let's not bark up the wrong tree - lots of people get dog complaints that aren't even woof them! Let's fetch some friendship with our neighbors and paw-sitively get to know each other. I know all my neighbors and their fur babies by name, and we always woof each other if our pups are being a bit ruf... View More
Jasmine Hetherington
Dogs bark, but it's not cool when they bark non-stop super early or late.
I totally get where the neighbors are coming from! I mean, I live next to this bark-tastic dog who won't stop yapping at the pup on the other side of the fence. It's like a never-ending doggy conversation!
I've dealt with this before and discovered it was the neighbour next door (bloody cowards). Anyway, I went to the local council and they said unless the barking is extreme day and night, they won't even bother with it. My pups were small and old at the time and were always inside. So relieved when I... View More
Nick Foley
My neighbor was whining about my 2 mutts. She's always home, I'm never there, and my place is watched by cameras inside and out. I asked her when it happened, then pulled up the footage. The cameras even catch sound, and you could hear barking, but my pups were passed out on the couch. That shut her... View More
We've been busted before for our barking fur babies, but we were clueless until our lovely neighbor gently clued us in on the problem.
April 2, 2024
Harry Cooper
I'm copping non-stop yammering from those yappy little dogs down the road. Some people just shouldn't own dogs.
April 3, 2024
Max Shepherd
She kinda knows her dogs be barking all night and just lets them go crazy, even if it ain't her dogs keeping the neighbors up.
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