on March 27, 2024
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The magpie is happy and doesn't want to leave it look to me
Dimension: 500 x 261
File Size: 8 b
1 Yarn
Leonardo Ruggiero
The fuzz snatched the tweet from a chill crib and now it's all freaked out. Good job.
Mick O'Neill
This is sooo sad, they should have just let it hang out with its buddies.
March 27, 2024
Rachel Cox
It should have stayed with its mama and papa.
People who do good always act like they know everything.
March 27, 2024
Helene Glover
Yo, Faye Casey, we all know this page be messin' with our protected wildlife, and it ain't cool. It's straight up illegal to have wildlife without a license and knowing how to properly care for 'em. Each type of critter needs a specific diet, ya dig? The damage these unlicensed fools are causing to ... View More
Todd Young
However, those pesky magpies are getting the boot from the rangers. What a silly double standard. Molly was clearly living his best life and adored by creatures big and small.
Sam O'Reilly
Maggie's situation is such a bummer. We are all at a loss for words on how crushed we feel. 😢
Brenton Murdoch
Friggin do-gooders always gotta be up in everyone's business.
Craig Mitchell
I totally bawled my eyes out when I found out about this!
Are they fair dinkum? How bloody harsh for Molly, they're the only mob he's been with and I reckon he'll be proper worried without them. And it'll stir up a lot of trouble for Peggy and Ruby. These so-called "do-gooders" have gone and stirred up heartbreak again. 💔
Alan Hughes
Molly prioritizes safety and love over other issues. 💕
Graeme Lawrence
Can you like, tell me what a zoo is? Like, aren't the animals, birds, mammals, and reptiles there not like, needing humans? Let's be real, Molly totally digs being there and can totally bounce but chooses to stay coz she's chill and feels good there. I hope they bring Molly back soon coz it's clear ... View More
Nick Evans
Return the bird to its family where it belongs, as keeping it away is cruel 💔.
March 27, 2024
Brent Dale
Give it back to her, that bird was chillin' and well taken care of, and had a tight bond with the dogs.
Roger Wood
These so-called authorities are the ones who always want to go hunting for native animals first. I say just let this bird be. He's been having a great time, many others would love to be in his place.
Steve Kalantzis
Oh no!! Those meanies have really stressed out that poor bird who was all snug and loved up with her family. And what about the pups?? Such a lousy choice for all involved.
Brenden O'Grady
This behaviour is really unfair to the bird and the family that have looked after it with love. I'm from the Gold Coast and I want to know how we can stand up against this unfair treatment.
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