Harry Samaras
on March 9, 2024
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There will be more bank close over the next 5 years. Get use to it
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Keith Lewis
Alrighty folks, if you've got that bank transfer, make sure to send your funds to a bank that still deals in cash and has some branches open. The one shutting down all their branches will have to kiss their business goodbye too!
Stephen Cook
Switch banks if you're not happy with the one you're with.
March 8, 2024
Bill Murdoch
Technology is bonza, mate, so you better bloody get used to it.
March 8, 2024
Michael Giuliani
Oops! Looks like you've put all your eggs in the online basket until the lights go out, a computer virus strikes, or the cyber chaos intensifies. Don't forget about good old-fashioned analog as a backup plan!
Gavin Goodwin
Watch how kids struggle with math. It's almost comical.
March 8, 2024
Chris Williamson
And away we bloody go!
Jennifer Lee
Wouldn't be the first promise broken, and definitely not the last.
Jake McDonald
Cast your vote by walking away and shutting down your accounts.
Andrew Wardlaw
What's up with the older folks who just don't get it?
It cracks me up when you mention "customer preference changing" or "customers changing their habits." Like, obviously the customers had to change their preferences, they didn't really have a say in the matter.
William Foster
Switch your bank, take control of your finances now.
March 8, 2024
Andrew Moyle
They didn't keep their word, but no worries - just ditch 'em, close your accounts, and switch to a bank that's got your back.
Scott Gillespie
Don't just switch banks. People should quit downloading apps and get rid of that stupid QR code app. If whatever you're doing or about to do requires it, just find a different option. Try something new. Just ditch those apps.
Dennis Washington
That's where the whole gang is headed!
Stephen Patterson
Why do we have to go all digital and get stuck with transaction fees that get passed on to us? Banks are closing branches and cutting costs, but we're still being charged for using our own money? Seriously, what the heck!?
Peter Fumagalli
Take all your money out of these greedy companies and refuse to do any business with them. No cash, no dealing with them.
Josh Walters
Banks should be declared essential, with CEO responsible for deposits in case of service disruptions or failures.
William Johnson
This is bloody wrong and it really grinds my gears. Not everyone can do their banking online. Some folks don't even use the internet, and the older generation wouldn't have a clue how to navigate it. It's a real let down, mate.
Adam Hubble
And this is just the start
Adam Fraser
A branch can't stay open without customers.
Andrew Thornberry
In Straya, when there's a bloody emergency, cold hard cash is what you need. When the bushfires and bloody floods hit, and the power's out for days, don't rely on bloody eftpos - it won't work! It's all about the banks making a profit off ya. Wake up, mate! Ever wondered how they make their money? I... View More
Roy Price
That's ridiculous!
March 9, 2024
Charlie Harvey
It's like, COMMIE vibes.
March 9, 2024
Keiran Buckley
Let's hope all customers close their bank accounts quickly.
John Chalrton
Switch banks and give the Commonwealth the cold shoulder.
Andrew Chapman
That's so weak, I wanna see those ethics handbooks the big bosses have!
Let's ditch banks and go all in on bitcoin since everything's digital anyway. Cut out the middleman!
Darren Hunt
The banks be shutting down their branches one by one, goin' all online with digital banking takin' over. The government saying cash is dead, cuz banks be makin' mad money off dem fees online. Got us headed towards a cashless society where every cent you spend is watched by Big Brother. Gonna have to... View More
March 9, 2024
Isaiah Clark
Gotta find a bank that's not all about going cashless and give the big banks a piece of our minds.
Jeff Roberts
Just shut down all your accounts and bugger off elsewhere. If everyone does it, then the boss can bloody well close up the shop for good.
March 9, 2024
Hey, the bank is on the brink of going bust, so get your money out before they snatch it all up!
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