Chris O'Dwyer
on March 8, 2024
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Stop birds singing. Has the world gone mad
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Nick Foley
It's just nature, man. It was around way before us and will be here long after we're gone - so chill out! Plus, it's pretty awesome.
March 8, 2024
Chris O'Callaghan
"Oi, mate, reckon if ya keep those nets up, them birds'll be stuck squawkin' louder 'cause they can't fly away. Give 'em a break and let 'em be, aye!"
Chris Kelly
This shouldn't be allowed! Fair dinkum ridiculous.
March 8, 2024
People must wear earphones.
Paul Henderson
I lived in Noosa and was annoyed by the crows, but in NZ, I enjoy listening to pleasant birds.
March 8, 2024
I've heard that back in the day, folks in Wellington used to whinge about the racket from the whales and the Kaka birds. The Kaka are starting to make a comeback in small numbers. Both the Kaka and the whales are scarce as hen's teeth these days.
Chris Pittman
People are too weak. So that's why they're falling off...
Andrew Johnson
Honestly, we're totally being bossed around by these fancy folks and the always-upset crowd. It's just how things are. Birds chill in trees. So silly. I just adore hearing them sing.
Jonathan Thomas
That's hella problem-free. Props to them.
March 8, 2024
The whole country is buggin'
Ashley Jennings
It would be unfortunate if someone spread bird seed on their lawn and street.
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