Ellie Maxwell
on March 7, 2024
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Why would Sam lose the captaincy. Let the court decide first
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Josip Vidosic
Sam Kerr is the absolute bombdigity on the field!
March 6, 2024
Bradley Armstrong
Wipe that grin off her face
Mitch Nicholls
Some cops got their feelings hurt by some mean words - what a joke, wasting our money.
Tony Miller
She got a big head from all the attention. Disrespecting others, especially in a foreign land. Maybe that's just who she really is.
March 6, 2024
Graham Kidd
You found her guilty without proof.
George Wilson
They start feeling themselves 'cos they think they're superior to all y'all. Peace out, birdie.
Tom Dorotich
Good at criticizing but can't handle criticism.
March 6, 2024
"Ya gotta follow the rules, no matter who ya are. Step outta line and get ready to face the music, it's that easy, man."
Clarence Parker
She should be put on ice until a decision is made.
Andrew Cook
Nobody is bigger than the game or more important than it.
Brett Whittaker
What happened to innocent until proven guilty? The cops might be jumping the gun because of who she is. Let's just wait and see.
Ben Hogan
Oh boy, she really dropped the ball this time! Sam thought she could mouth off without any consequences, but now the shoe is on the other foot and she's not loving it. Just like Latrell Mitchell, they both need to learn that they're not above the rules.
March 6, 2024
She is not stupid or guilty of any accusations. I don't understand why you hate her.
Ralph Gray
Hey Maureen Lucas, get a life!
They don't gotta have her, they can still win without her.
Just another lame tale from those low-life, recycled sportswriters.
Mark Stewart
This beef all started 'cause they couldn't agree on the taxi fare, so the driver snitched to the cops. I bet she's got enough dough to cover it, she's definitely not broke and scraping by.
Scott Wallace
If the colors were reversed, they would be demanding vengeance.
Dennis Phillips
If we can confirm it, 8 players benched, just like Lateral Mitchell is pushing for with Spencer.
Adam Taylor
Innocent unless proven naughty!
David Edwards
"Innocent till they catch you slippin'. Some sports just wanna jump the gun and bench you before the verdict is in."
Kenneth Barnes
People are just hating on a successful woman of color for no good reason. None of the stuff they're saying about her is even true.
Peter Bellini
"Keen to put a few dollars on her beating the rap."
Joel Duggan
Sam's legal team is working to dismiss the charges and avoid a trial, possibly blaming the police for the situation.
Sam Anderson
I'm crossing my fingers! She's starting to think she's the bee's knees and I'm just over seeing her all over the place.
Ben Clark
Sam ain't part of the squad no more. Lay down the law on her. Just another cocky punk who thinks they're untouchable.
March 7, 2024
Lucas Collins
If they figure things out before Sam can come back, that should clear up the whole captaincy thing. Right now there's a bunch of talk but not much solid info, so it's tough to make a fair judgment. But we do know Sam says he didn't do it.
March 8, 2024
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