Shelley Morrow
on January 6, 2024
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Really please no not again
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As long as Rocky remains alert, he can be assured that they will not support the radical group in taking control of Tasmania, although they may attempt to ensure government transparency and promote a few of their own policies.
Jeremy seems to be doing well, and I believe there is a lot of work happening if people are willing to take notice.
Peter Colombo
Thinks he's a dinkum John Wayne
David Jackson
Don't worry, once the Premier gets advice from his three recently retired Liberal Parliamentary Colleagues, who are now working as high-paid Senior Advisors in the Department of Premier & Cabinet - Mr. Rene Hidding, Mr. Brett Whiteley, & Ms. Jacqui Petrusma - he will make the right decisions. We're ... View More
David McConville
They want to bounce out early.
Connor Murphy
"Oi, mate, how can ya trust these two bludgers turnin' their backs on ya?"
As weak and spineless as the government, ain't no chance of change, only caring about one thing - their dough.
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