Aaron Pugh
on December 30, 2023
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Hot but not crazy hot
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Paul Burke
Cairns typically experiences a consistently high level of humidity during the summer, just like every other year.
December 29, 2023
John Chalrton
Where are these false claims coming from? We rarely saw the sun this summer and recently experienced the coldest December day in two decades.
December 29, 2023
We're freaking lucky to live in a country with tons of resources and not have to sweat the heat. It's dope to have such cheap and solid power that we never have to stress about our energy going kaput!
December 30, 2023
Leigh Hennessey
The Weather Bureau seems to be relying on chance these days, as if flipping a coin. When I was young, I remember enjoying a consistent 42 days of summer. How things have changed! Nowadays, it seems like they're just trying to spread unnecessary fear.
December 30, 2023
Zachary Edwards
How is it using the state? Surely cover would be a more fitting word.
December 30, 2023
Gary Jenkins
No matter what, man! It's Oz, it's summer, it's scorching and sticky!.. been that way, always gonna be!!!
December 30, 2023
Wow, it's astonishing that it's been the hottest in 4 years! That's absolutely incredible!
December 30, 2023
James Boyd
Do you think they just added brisvegas to their coverage?
December 30, 2023
Mark Hutchison
Just like my childhood back in the day, but without the air-conditioning.
December 31, 2023
Adam Collins
I've experienced plenty of "heatwaves" similar to this in my life. It's incredible how weather can really take a toll on us!
December 31, 2023
Haha, summer must be here already!
Eddie Fisher
I had the heater cranked up this morning, it was a freezing 14 degrees!
Wayne Young
Yesterday was scorching, but today we're back to fall weather.
Dimitri Christodoulou
All those declaring it's just another summer day and welcoming the heat must be enjoying the comfort of air conditioning, ample fans, or are fortunate enough to have access to a pool or beach. Meanwhile, others are enduring the sweltering temperatures without any luxuries to keep them cool.
John Smith
In Cairns, the summer is typically characterized by consistently high humidity, just like every other year.
The Weather Bureau's predictions now seem unreliable, unlike in my childhood when we could count on 42 summer days. It's all scare tactics now.
OMG, this is the hottest we've seen in 4 years, we're done for, we're done like dinner, let's get outta here, run like there's no tomorrow, run, run, run!
Benjamin Moore
How is it devouring the state? Surely cover would be a more suitable term.
Anthony Musgrave
We're still waiting for summer to pop off... it's been mad cold, wet, and breezy. No wonder we can't trust the news no more. Let the sunshine come through, fam.
Adam Cairns
Incredible! The past 4 years have been the hottest!
Anthony King
They ran some tests on the sewerage and it turns out this summer is lit af, like the hottest in, like, forever - like 17,000 years type of forever.
Liam Hall
Adelaide experienced its most frigid Christmas Day in 17 years. How amusing!
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