Chris McEwan
on December 29, 2023
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Massive diff in the Perth crowd for Test and T20 games
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Colin Duffy
It should be retraced to the WACCA, the legendary cricket venue. I once attended a BB game there before Optus or Perth Stadium, or whatever it's called, was even established. Nothing compares to the incredible atmosphere at the WACCA.
December 29, 2023
Adam Taylor
The contrast between working days and public holidays is significant for having fun. Moreover, when you calculate and compare the availability of 2 million versus 5 million options, they roughly amount to the same outcome.
December 29, 2023
vinod vyas
It is a changing world for sure
December 29, 2023
Edward Gonzales
Hmm, like, yo, it was Pakistan they were ballin' against and everyone was either grindin' or gone.
December 30, 2023
James Patterson
Let's flip the Perth match on Boxing Day and have the MCG test beforehand when everyone's still grinding away at work. Then we'll check out the turnout!
December 31, 2023
Karl Lewis
Listen up Melbourne and Sydney, here's an idea. Perth will trade you the 'First Test' for either the Boxing Day or New Year's Test. Let's see how many people actually show up to the game when we're not all stressed out trying to wrap up work before the holidays and get ready for Christmas.
December 31, 2023
Anthony Holmes
Lots of folks have to work even when it's not a Public Holiday!
December 31, 2023
Adrian Short
If the test series was against India or England, even South Africa, more people would have attended; the truth is, no one cares about Pakistan as opposition. The Windies will be even worse. It's just one of those years where we have unexciting match-ups. It probably would have been better to play on... View More
December 31, 2023
Charlie Middleton
Stadiums be hella massive! Bring Test Cricket back to the WACA. It would've been almost sold out, fam!
December 31, 2023
Adam Poric
Yo, snatch that Perth test and hand it over to Tassie, fam.
Samuel Torres
This comparison is not valid. It is sensationalist journalism, pitting the Boxing Day public holiday against the busy pre-Christmas working days when many individuals are unable to take time off.
Johnny Rodriguez
Once the development at the WACA is finished, Test cricket will make a comeback. We appreciate the envy surrounding our impressive Big Bash crowds.
We prolly lost our love for cricket when the squad ditched the awesome coach Justin Langer. Now we're stuck with old players who should've hung up their boots and made way for some fresh blood. This one's on you, CA.
Lucas Collins
Everyone showed up to the Gabba thinking the first test would be played there...
I quit watching them on TV, so no unexpected stuff.
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