Kiesha Cummings
on December 29, 2023
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OMG how many people were out Boxing Day to get a bargin
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Paul Ward
They have sales all year round! According to my friends who love window shopping, there are sale notices displayed every day. I don't see a reason to go there on a specific day!
December 28, 2023
Andrew Dodd
I couldn't come across a sale just a few weeks ago for the Black Friday Sales, which lasted for a period of two weeks. If you can't find anything today, don't fret, because the Back To School Sales will commence in 5 days and run for 5 weeks.
December 29, 2023
Gerald Scott
This year, I did all my shopping online, just chilling at home.
December 30, 2023
Michael McGrath
They claim that people are facing tough times.
December 30, 2023
Cameron Campbell
Let's go grab some of those delicious hot cross buns!
December 30, 2023
Mick O'Neill
I was unable to.
December 30, 2023
Allen Simpson
We all scored the dope deal by staying away! Free!
December 31, 2023
Matteo Russo
That's crazy, man! Yesterday I had to park three blocks away and when I finally walked over, there was this ridiculously long line just to get inside DFO. I was too lazy to even bother!
Yikes. I definitely won't be participating in that. I can't imagine anything worse than dealing with those crowds just for doubtful bargains.
Stephen Hill
Seems like a whole different country!
Billy Kelly
I'll never be so eager for anything that I'd go shopping on Boxing Day.
Sean Davies
Chadstone was straight-up terrible. Never going there again.
Jesse Collins
RBA will consider the crowds and use it to justify increasing interest rates.
I'm not that desperate to do this.
Phillip Butler
I'm looking to get a brand new airfryer!
David Hancock
Hmm, so where is this elusive Covid hiding now?
Louis Brown
Who has the time to deal with that?
Joe Lombardo
Paul Miller
This is what leads me to think that part of the problem with the cost of living is the belief among people that they can get anything they desire immediately.
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