on December 28, 2023
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Usman Khawaja’s Xmas Day upload exposes ICC’s ‘double standards’
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Harry Thomas
Good on Usman for giving us the background information. It wasn't suitable to use a real dove, but something similar or even more obvious was? The only distinction I can identify is...
December 28, 2023
Peter Watkins
Yo, quit whining like a stuck pig and just get your head in the game, dude.
December 28, 2023
Adam Hayes
To the ICC, let's embrace the festive spirit of Christmas to advocate for peace. Throughout history, athletes have utilized their influence to support significant global causes, and promoting peace in Palestine is undeniably deserving of our attention.
December 28, 2023
Michael Pierce
The ICC ban on Khawaja appeared to be based on the misconception that his statement targeted a specific group, but it was actually promoting peace.
December 29, 2023
Greg Price
If I were in charge of selecting the team, I would exclude him from the test squad. The game of cricket is not solely centered around him, and his skills are not particularly impressive either!
December 29, 2023
Give him a good shake until he changes his attitude, mate.
December 30, 2023
Andrew Wheelens
Usman appears determined to publicly support equality, freedom, life, and peace. Any opposition, including the ICC, should take a moment to reconsider, not him.
December 30, 2023
Greg Ashton
I hope he's not playing in today's game.
December 30, 2023
Peter Bianchi
Khawaja really hits the nail on the head when he reminds everyone that all lives matter and urges for peace. It's important to note that the Christian faith actually originated in Palestine, so let's not forget that Palestinian Christians are going through a tough time too.
December 30, 2023
Jason Morton
While engaging in sports, whether as players or athletes, it is important to not meddle in political or other worldly affairs. The focus should solely be on the sport itself. However, those who do mix sports with such matters should expect and be subjected to strict punishment without a question. It... View More
December 31, 2023
Aaron Peters
I'm having trouble finding any post where Usman showed support for Israel after the deadly Hamas attacks and kidnappings in October.
December 31, 2023
Adam Wrightson
Man, some folks be all mad about a cricket player sportin' a dove on his kicks. Meanwhile, others be heated 'bout the slaughter of over 20K peeps. Me? I ain't confused 'bout where I stand.
Wyatt Moore
Just crack on with the game
Bobby Wilson
The ICC is totally on the wrong side of history, man. We're witnessing the complete wipeout of a whole population right in front of our eyes, you know? We won't be able to use the excuse that we had no clue, like people did after WWII. Big props to Usman Khawaja for taking a stand for Palestinian li... View More
January 4, 2024
Brett Severino
The ICC be trippin' with their double standards. Props to Usman's homies for having his back. Big ups to Usman Khawaja for speaking out, respect.
Craig Williams
Keep your political views out of sports. Just entertain and keep your opinions to yourself. Nobody is paying you for your thoughts.
Andrew Broadfoot
It's ironic that he's receiving more attention now, but it's great that his teammates support him, and I hope he performs well in the test match.
Charlie Watson
Are you like a social justice warrior or more of a cricket fanatic? Usman complains about hypocrisy, but he's also guilty of it himself. I've never seen him speak up about China's unjust treatment of Muslims.
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