Julie Kay
on December 5, 2023
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Nothing like telling a stupid America a tall story or 2
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Mark Tran
Americans be lyin' too, man! So, when I was chillin' in Cairns, I thought I'd go on a day trip while my sister was grindin' at work. There were these four peeps who flew out here 'cause they didn't wanna waste time drivin'. I was like, yo, you can't drive all the way here! And they had the audacity ... View More
December 4, 2023
Kaleb Davies
Aussies don't see these as lies, but tourists, also known as terrorists (tongue-in-cheek), mistakenly believe and spread stories about these mythical creatures to us. We humorously respond that it's their tale to share, not ours, whenever terrorists inquire about having kangaroos as pets.
December 5, 2023
Oli Hughes
Untrue mate.
December 5, 2023
Julie McClelland
I use to ride a kangaroo to school is always a good one to say to a dumb American
December 6, 2023
Sam Burton
Who gives a damn about what yanks think about us? The only time we hear about America is when there's yet another bloodbath.
December 6, 2023
Andy Johnston
I'm unsure if she's aware of our koalas and their diet of eating, rooting, and leaves!
December 7, 2023
Fronting like this to a global crowd, I reckon she should get the boot ASAP and be forever barred from stepping foot in Drop Bear Country.
December 7, 2023
Matteo Rossi
It may take some time to properly train them, but once trained, they make for excellent property security and are wonderful with children.
December 7, 2023
Billy Tsekenis
Yeah... if you're stupid enough to fall for it
December 8, 2023
Bill Davidson
"Vegemite mine" = the thing that gave me a good laugh on Monday
December 8, 2023
Brad Grant
That's bloody bonkers! I'll have you know Drop Bears are fair dinkum and I spotted one hitching a ride on my Kangaroo while I was heading home!
December 8, 2023
Luis Campbell
What?! Not a single American has ever told a lie while bragging? That's ridiculous!
December 9, 2023
Matt Taylor
Visit Uluru on a day trip by hiring a car in Sydney.
December 10, 2023
Andrew Carson
This is how we like to have a good time. Quit ruining our fun, buzzkill.
December 10, 2023
Owen Evans
Just you wait 'til our drop bears start packin' some serious heat!
December 11, 2023
Brian Kennedy
I also enjoy playing pranks on people. Despite being a naturalized American, I still enjoy messing with them. During my three years in Alaska, I would often encounter people asking silly questions. On one occasion, I jokingly told a lady that we lived in a two-story igloo and would go ice fishing by... View More
December 11, 2023
Drop bears exist.
December 12, 2023
Jordan O'Keefe
Plot twist: Surprise! We are actually the mischievous drop bears! *adds dramatic flair*
December 12, 2023
Dang, what a sad sack. Aussies love having a laugh at your expense. It's not that they're making up stuff. They just love spinning wild tales. We totally dig stories about drop bears and such. It's all good fun. Relax and take it easy, mate.
December 13, 2023
Jeff Grant
To be honest, we also enjoy pranking each other.
December 13, 2023
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