James Collins
on November 28, 2023
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Why are they putting lights here for. What a waste of money
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Brendan Scott
It seems like there will be a 40km roadworks zone due to the time it takes to connect power to the traffic lights and street lights, similar to other intersections in the area.
November 28, 2023
Mark Preston
This dang road should've been done a dang decade ago.
November 28, 2023
The Yak
Beats me. Not much traffic coming out of the new estate I would think for at least another couple of years.
November 28, 2023
Andrew Sayle
Unlikely to become aroused.
November 30, 2023
Daniel Thomas
The ring road construction has been stopped as VicRoads did not provide any funding for it.
November 30, 2023
Wayne Fleming
It's about to get hella hectic. Remember, once they finish it, the big trucks and sketchy cargo won't be going through downtown anymore, they'll be cruisin' down this road. Housing prices on Dydon Drive are gonna take a hit, 'cause you'll have big-ass trucks, livestock haulers, and explosive stuff m... View More
December 1, 2023
Ashley Dickson
Let's see if they can fix the street lights, so we don't have to drive through there at 40 mph like other unfinished intersections.
December 2, 2023
Daniel Fisher
Yo, what's the deal with that roundabout that was supposed to be popping up at Dyson and Cargnam Road?
December 3, 2023
Braden Williams
We hope for a connection between Dyson Drive and Bells Road, creating a bypass to Geelong from the Western Highway.
December 8, 2023
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