Joshua Wooden
on November 24, 2023
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I think the ANZ is right. Work at work
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Aaron Cox
It's an exciting time as talk ramps up about another surge in Covid cases. It will be interesting to observe how corporations navigate this situation, especially since they have been advocating against remote work. I wonder how they will respond when remote work is once again strongly advised.
November 24, 2023
Andrew Scott
Are branches closing and staff working from home causing difficulties with withdrawing money? Do staff bring money home to serve customers remotely?
November 25, 2023
Bob Egan
They receive compensation for what they verbalize.
November 25, 2023
Sarah Watson
Yep I agree go to work simple
November 26, 2023
Chris Hogan
Everyone needs to be back at the office.
November 27, 2023
Gareth Allen
The hype is all about another Covid surge. It's gonna be interesting to watch how companies handle it, especially since they're against working from home. Wonder how they'll react when it's "suggested" again?
November 28, 2023
John Edwards
Great job! Did you all work in an office before COVID? What is the difference now? Let's get back to work.
November 28, 2023
Robert Duke
What if... instead of just saying if... what if you gave workers a little something extra for coming into the office? Now, being ex-military, I get paid back for the travel I do for appointments. So, what if the workplace did the same thing? They could pay us a certain amount for each kilometer we t... View More
November 28, 2023
Brett Freeman
Because we got the jab and now we're living it up!
November 28, 2023
Xavier Mitchell
lol, that's what I mentioned the other day
November 28, 2023
Great! Quit being lazy and get back to work, mate! No more excuses for staying home. The pandemic is done and dusted. - Roger
November 28, 2023
Steve Mitchell
Working remotely also incurs expenses for the employee, such as electricity usage.
November 28, 2023
Andrew Crane
November 28, 2023
Rod Hewart
Yeah, gotta dash to the office for the online team meet-up...
November 28, 2023
Pat Thompson
Haha, just flip them off and tell them to eat it.
November 29, 2023
Allan Black
Is it possible that the reason for half the branches closing and half the staff being at home is because they are playing around? Would we need to visit the staff's homes to withdraw money? Do the staff take money home so they can assist customers remotely?
November 29, 2023
Dean Bell
This is some weird stuff, seeing people totally stanning for these corporations.
November 29, 2023
Jason Flanagan
Need to pay rent to their friends.
November 29, 2023
Stuart Wise
The ring's lord, oh yes.
November 29, 2023
Steven Thomas
Aussies who stomp their feet like a toddler simply because they dislike being told their duties by their boss need a reality check. You choose to trade a portion of your life for financial gain—so if you're unhappy with their requests, find another job. Employers aren't obligated to provide anything... View More
November 29, 2023
Max Collins
Roastin' them peeps who hustle from home 'cause they savin' that dough? Well, then they better keep up with that paper growth, ya feel? Them greedy big corps tryna have it all, man!
November 29, 2023
Zachary Young
Who cares? You won't have to pay for fuel, parking, food, coffee, or waste hours stuck in traffic every week. And here's the cherry on top - instead of working from 8am to 5:30pm like before, everyone will start at 9am, take their lunch break, and finish at exactly 5pm, resulting in a loss of produc... View More
November 30, 2023
John Duggan
Will the banks suffer any consequences if they fail to meet the expectations of keeping their branches open?
December 1, 2023
I didn't think anyone still worked in banks. I thought they had all been let go to make things more "efficient."
December 1, 2023
Alan Redman
Lmao. The ANZ is hella behind. Dealing with them is like time traveling back 20 years.
December 1, 2023
Scott Gillespie
Yo, now that you shut down all them branches, where else are folks supposed to hustle from?
December 2, 2023
Tech Toby is a clueless individual... It doesn't matter if you're remote or in the office, networking is now essential for career growth.
December 3, 2023
Glen Neville
Why have banks if it takes visiting multiple ATMs to withdraw money and my job relies on freight?
December 4, 2023
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