on November 21, 2023
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A “vegan McDonald’s” has opened in Australia, but is it better than its fast food counterpart? The answer will surprise you.
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Andrew Bryant
I once had a mate who likes eating both meat and vegetarian dishes. However, the vego burgers from a fast food joint made him retch and toss the burger in the bin!
November 21, 2023
Daniel Cooper
Having options is always great, especially because this company is dedicated to offering opportunities and employment in disadvantaged areas. It may be pricier, but the review clearly shows that the quality is worth it. #IAmHereAustralia
November 23, 2023
Jack Martin
I would definitely try this if it was in my area. Having options is great, and the second chance philosophy they have is worth backing. Some people here could benefit from a change in attitude. #IAmHereAustralia
November 24, 2023
John McLaughlin
We're totally into Carls Jr lately. Barely even go to Maccas.
November 25, 2023
I hope they'll open a location in Brisbane.
November 28, 2023
Daniel Taylor
We've become big fans of Carls Jr lately. We rarely go to Maccas anymore.
November 28, 2023
Michael James
The company's emphasis on offering choices and employment in disadvantaged areas makes options favourable. Despite being pricier, the review highlights the evident value. #IAmHereAustralia.
November 28, 2023
Michael McGrath
I'm stoked for them. But if you ever bring me takeaway and this is what you present, then I'm throwing paws.
November 29, 2023
Just compare it to a good burger place.
November 29, 2023
Peter McPhillip
I'm absolutely stoked about this! As a vego, it's awesome to have more choices. Meat eaters can give it a go or not, it's totally up to them.
November 29, 2023
Andrew Southwell
Seems a bit pricey for quick bites, but that might be because the standard is higher. It'd be great to have information on the nutritional content. It's nice to have a choice for those who prefer it.
November 29, 2023
Chris Chalmers
kinda tastes like pork, but with a more bitter flavor
November 30, 2023
Michael Moore
I hope they bring it to Tasmania.
November 30, 2023
Dennis Evans
The burgers at Hungry Jacks rock!
November 30, 2023
Brad MacDonald
I'm down with that - now let's get some gluten-free rolls/bread!
November 30, 2023
Brett Hammond
If this were in my area, I would try it out. Having options is important, and supporting their second chance mindset is valuable. It seems like some people here need to cheer up. #IAmHereAustralia
November 30, 2023
Adam Symons
I'm fully supportive of having choices, and this appears to be a great option. Nobody is attempting to impose anything on you. Disapprove of the prices? Find another place. Not satisfied with the food? Find an alternative. It's best to make those decisions quietly because we all constantly make such... View More
November 30, 2023
Zac Palmer
Had a strand of hair in it, and was still better than McDonald's.
November 30, 2023
Eddie Fisher
I ain't vegan, but I'm down to try new stuff and this is some fresh sh*t to give a go. I just don't get why people gotta hate without even tryin'. Being vegan ain't gotta be a prerequisite to tryin' somethin', and who knows, you might dig it. Veggie lasagna is straight up fire and I'm all about that... View More
December 1, 2023
Dominic Thomas
I no longer go to Macca's anymore anyway.
December 1, 2023
Aaron Thomson
Yesterday, I stumbled upon that place and was curious about it, but now I have the answer. I eventually ended up at Maccas later. Haha!
December 1, 2023
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