Alex Young
on October 15, 2023
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Be decent for once’: Comedian’s Voice rant
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Eddie Hubbard
Apologies, Rove, but you're past your prime.
October 15, 2023
Noah Thomas
How 'bout nah
October 15, 2023
Evan Jones
So, he's like, hoping that indigenous people can have a say in laws that impact them, and his 9-year-old daughter thinks it's a good idea. But seriously, does that make it okay to include a racially biased plan in the constitution?
October 15, 2023
Ethan Smith
Damn, here's yet another celeb spouting their opinion when nobody asked for it. Australians hate being told what to do, whether it's by big businesses or famous people. And Albo, there are consequences to all this nonsense.
October 16, 2023
Amanda Wood
No won by miles. We didn't need every man and his dog celeb ramming it down our throats. Big mistake
October 16, 2023
Makayla Campbell
Rove is an excellent person!
October 16, 2023
Zachary Freeman
Can you believe these celebs who just throw insults without any facts? It's ridiculous how they try to push their feelings and opinions with no basis. The moralizing from these yes campaigners on The Voice is such a turn-off.
October 16, 2023
Susan Howard
Does that mean I'm not a good person if I vote no?
October 16, 2023
Nicholas Smith
You, lowlife, really are decent!
October 16, 2023
Kathleen Wang
Rove is a total idiot.
October 17, 2023
The media finally exposes the manipulation and fear mongering of the no campaign, but it's unfortunate that it happened too late.
October 17, 2023
Matthew Wilson
You've been completely r-o-v-e-d just like your dumb friend Albo is gonna be when his plans get rejected today.
October 17, 2023
Louie Stephens
How much are they paying you to agree?
October 17, 2023
Brooke Campbell
Changed to Bluey when he began ranting.
October 17, 2023
Michael Douglas
Damn, dude must have a serious ego.
October 18, 2023
Zoe Page
We're aiming to act like responsible individuals. The issue is that the government isn't being sufficiently fair by giving us the necessary information to determine if we should vote 'yes' or 'no.' Let's contemplate this: how many...
October 18, 2023
Ethan Williams
That insignificant ferret's desires mean nothing. He is untalented and cringe-worthy.
October 19, 2023
Tayla Jones
I love it when all these celebs boss people around.
October 19, 2023
Mariah Hughes
Rove, Tasma, and their daughter should visit Alice Springs unexpectedly and experience how the locals would appreciate the 3% minority population behaving decently.
October 20, 2023
Mark Preston
Aren't Rove and The Project far-left activists?
October 20, 2023
Amy Nelson
Success is all about taking action. People who are successful just keep on going. They might mess up sometimes, but they never give up. Thanks to them, they achieve great things.
October 20, 2023
Nobody cares about the desires of that untalented ferret. He is insignificant and embarrassing.
October 22, 2023
Brandon Taylor
"Hey Rove, Tasma, and their kiddo, why don't you spontaneously head over to Alice Springs? They should experience what it feels like to have the 3% minority population asking them to 'be decent for once.' You know, because they're experts at hiding folks when someone 'important' shows up in town."
October 22, 2023
Marilyn Carter
have fun with it == #SayNoToAustralia it’s not finished until it's finished - let's stay united
October 22, 2023
Mark Bishop
Losing a crowd is inevitable if you can't be decent for once.
October 22, 2023
Hey Rove, it seems like you haven't taken the time to understand what you're voting on. This amendment to Section 129 of the Constitution is quite complex, and even a nine-year-old might struggle to grasp it fully. So, the reactions you're having are purely emotional. Have you considered listening t... View More
October 22, 2023
Zoe Cooper
What if, once the voice is overcome, the next move involves investigating the local industry and examining the fate of the billions that have already been invested? The funds exist, but the outcomes do not. Why is this the case?
October 24, 2023
Tracey Hansen
What about when the voice is shut down, let's investigate what's going on with the indigenous business and where did all the billions go. The cash is in, but the outcomes ain't. Why the heck?
October 24, 2023
Lauren Clarke
What a dill, hopefully tonight we'll see heaps of irrelevant ex-so-called celebs slithering back under their rock.
October 25, 2023
Jackson Evans
Who would have thunk the project would be a team yes?
October 25, 2023
Landon Roberts
Rove, can you crack a joke for a change?
October 26, 2023
Barry Casey
Who dat?
October 26, 2023
Louie Stephens
No one cares about what that untalented little ferret desires. He is insignificant and embarrassing.
October 26, 2023
Tom Oliver
"Start behaving properly for once" - a great method to alienate a crowd.
October 28, 2023
Joe Martin
I love how these celebrities dictate what others should do.
October 28, 2023
Nicholas Castillo
What a total joke! Hopefully tonight, those has-been "celebrities" will finally go back where they belong - under their rock.
October 28, 2023
Jason Thomas
WHO rove?
October 29, 2023
Jadyn Pratt
October 30, 2023
Eddie Hubbard
"Yo, Rove, Tasma, and their kid, why don't they just surprise everyone with a road trip to Alice Springs? They can see how the locals would feel if that 3% minority population would just act right for once."
October 30, 2023
Mark Samson
No need to vote here. Go somewhere else!
October 31, 2023
Zachary Young
He will naturally support a yes vote, being another cowardly media puppet.
November 10, 2023
Andy Holmes
What was his payment amount?
November 13, 2023
Ethan Williams
Yo Rove, mad love for you speaking out on this historic national issue. Big thanks for your public voice, man.
November 17, 2023
Greg Warren
The comedian is hilariously funny and being on the yes payroll only adds to the insult.
November 18, 2023
Steven Lucas
Hey mate, Rove, it seems like you haven't bothered reading and understanding what you're voting on. This is actually an amendment to Section 129 of the Constitution. Even a nine-year-old wouldn't struggle with that, so it's clear that all your reactions are purely emotional. Have you taken the time ... View More
November 18, 2023
Brenton James
What a haughty and clueless remark.
November 19, 2023
Graham Blackman
No worries, mate, he's bound to support the "yes" vote. Just another media puppet too scared to express a different opinion, oi.
November 22, 2023
Tyler Smith
Yo Rove, big ups to you for publicly speaking out on this straight up important national matter. I appreciate you, man.
November 23, 2023
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