Jessica Anderson
on October 8, 2023
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“Instead of treating all your customers like criminals, there are a few things that you can do to change this.”
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Michelle Allan
Whoever thought of that must be a genius- back to the past!
It's quite frustrating to have the registers lined up in the middle and front of your stores, so please find a way to fix it.
Hanna Freeman
The person who decided to relocate the checkouts to the store's center should be fired!
Daniel O'Keefe
This been happening for, like, forever now? Just flip it back, man! Ain't nobody I know diggin' it, and I usually avoid going in 'cause I'm too beat to wander all over the damn store and stand in a mega line.
Michelle Allan
Just put all the checkouts in the front of the store, close to the exit.
October 11, 2023
Matthew Wilson
Finally, Kmart woke up and realized how messed up their decision was! The genius who thought it was a good idea to put checkouts right smack in the middle of the store deserves to get fired.
October 11, 2023
Glen Mason
Valuable floor space is being lost at Fountain Gate Melbourne due to checkout counters placed at both exits and in the middle.
October 13, 2023
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