Jim Winters
on October 7, 2023
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The Hollywood superstar has shared a powerful post, attracting both anger and praise.
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Tom Oliver
Neville Bonner has unfortunately been left behind and forgotten.
Aleah Bartlett
All he desires is for others to watch the new Aquaman film.
That's such a letdown since it's not even about him, but hey, he's just a funny guy, not someone of significance anyway haha
Mariah O'Brien
We always knew he was a good-hearted dude. People just salty 'cause he supported Yes.
Brooke Thomas
You shouldn't criticize others if you're not perfect yourself.
Sorry, Jason, but you ain't my type, no cap!
October 10, 2023
Graham Kidd
Stay in your make-believe realm
October 11, 2023
Susan Howard
Top-notch, mate. Unreal footage!
October 11, 2023
James Wilson
He's like a fish who doesn't belong on land, a dinosaur who is struggling with flippers, and a super conscious wave rider!
October 11, 2023
You don't matter either, but you still have a voice.
October 11, 2023
Jason Morton
Awesome, I reckon I've got the answer 'cause I've searched it up. Absolutely top-notch!
October 11, 2023
Harry Jones
They aren't required to modify the constitution in order to engage in a different activity.
October 12, 2023
Tyler Brown
Although he can have his own opinion, his suggestion to Google if you don't know something seems empty considering his lack of knowledge shown in his post.
October 12, 2023
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