Anne Robertson
on September 28, 2023
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The Liberal Party was never going to beat Dan Andrews, says our Victoria editor Damon Johnston – but now they might just have a chance:
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Jackie Underwood
I hope the brumbies are out of harm's way.
September 27, 2023
Pauline Carroll
The hand resembles Wolverine's hand!
September 27, 2023
Adam Bassett
It will surely be captivating to witness what comes to light in his absence, without his ability to conceal it. His massive amount of debt will likely be one of his most noticeable accomplishments. Cain is also rarely mentioned for similar reasons. I ponder if someone as practical as Kennet will tak... View More
September 27, 2023
Matthew Wilson
One of the most mischievous and polarizing politicians to have ever existed.
September 27, 2023
Andrew Scott
Uncle Klaus Schwab and his buddies from the WEF have summoned him.
September 27, 2023
Mark Cunningham
Hope victorians throw eggs at him for the next 9 years. Grub. What's the odds on a UN gig inside the next year.
September 27, 2023
Josh Thomas
Yeah, that's true. The chairman totally knew how to bribe the votes. Honestly, it says more about how weak the other party is rather than chairman Andrews' leadership skills. But it also says something about the people voting too.
September 27, 2023
Andrew Crane
If the liberal party were a bird, it would totally be the Dodo, like way before it disappeared from the face of the earth.
September 27, 2023
Brandon Taylor
The dude caused so much damage to Dennis, he should totally be locked up for real bad stuff. It's seriously messed up, and he's finally starting to feel guilty about it. Anyone who only punishes others for money is just like that backstabbing traitor, Judas.
September 27, 2023
Mark Preston
When people work out what’s happened with the vaccines they won’t want any of the big parties Both wings of the same bird
September 27, 2023
Adrian James
That's the best pic of him....from behind!!!
September 27, 2023
William Marshall
You gotta wonder if this was plotted before the last State election, 'cause the new Premier is gonna be unelected into power, so it should automatically set off a fresh State election. And since most Governors are handpicked by the Premier, I highly doubt we'll ever witness it.
September 27, 2023
Jim Winters
Dan Andrews successfully accumulated a state debt of $170 billion, with a daily interest payment of $10 million and a weekly payment of $70 million, without facing any consequences; he deserves to be imprisoned.
September 27, 2023
Christina Mitchell
He bounced before they pushed him, his downfall was already written in graffiti and sadly he peeped it and dipped.
September 28, 2023
Chris Williams
They cannot manage their own affairs, so why would anyone have confidence in their ability to govern the State?
September 28, 2023
Craig Gibson
What are people's desires amidst the pandemic that claimed over one million lives in America?
September 28, 2023
Michelle Allan
Liberals currently lack the necessary strength to succeed.
September 28, 2023
Adam Scott
Money Money Money is Dan's ethos. Narcissistic grubs
September 28, 2023
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