Mark Bishop
on September 21, 2023
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Kath Rampoldi
I've had my 1TB Toshiba hard drives for approximately a decade, and they are still functioning perfectly.
September 20, 2023
Steve Mitchell
No one's had a hard drive conk out in under 5 years, yo.
September 20, 2023
Amanda Morgan
That average must be brought down by a high-volume usage scenario that severely damages drives. I have never witnessed a drive failure in less than 8 years unless it was defective from the beginning.
September 20, 2023
Charala Panou
Reinstalling your operating system every few months usually solves this problem by deleting all data.
September 20, 2023
Leroy Douglas
My ride is about 8 years old, and I copped it used. We gotta do some carbon dating to find out how old it really is.
September 21, 2023
Sharon Lowery
The average is reduced due to individuals who engage in downloading malware, thereby decreasing the overall value.
September 21, 2023
Stacy Kennedy
What a load of rubbish. I've had mine for about 10 to 15 years and it's still going strong.
September 21, 2023
I've got a 1TB hard drive that's been chugging along in my computer for 15 years as I'm typing this.
September 21, 2023
Anna Denman
I have been assembling computers for the past 30 years and none of my hard drives have experienced any failures within a span of 5 years. Presently, I have a 15-year old hard drive and a 10-year old drive installed in my PC, along with three additional external drives that have been functioning well... View More
September 21, 2023
Rod Hewart
Me too! I've never had a hard drive fail on me. It's crazy how some of my hard drives are over 30 years old and still working perfectly.
September 21, 2023
Zlatko Skrbis
A sales lie created.
September 21, 2023
Jadyn Pratt
Think you're good at math? Try explaining averages without sounding like you have no clue.
September 21, 2023
Paul Henderson
Wow, mine went on for a solid 14 years!
September 21, 2023
Anthony Butler
I've got hard drives that have been around since this meme was a thing.
September 21, 2023
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