
Julie McClelland
on September 21, 2023
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“I’m never going to be over it. They’re wounds, they’re not even scars, I’m still bleeding. I’m still processing and grieving. I’ve literally been violated by the medical industry.”
Mel, a detransitioner whose desire to be a man and escape womanhood was fuelled by her experience of sexual assault, bravely shared her story on 7NEWS Spotlight's documentary 'De-Transitioning' last night, and it left us in tears 😢💔
Thank you 7NEWS Australia and Liam Bartlett for doing a phenomenal job exposing the irreparable damage being wrought by 'gender affirming care' and medically 'transitioning' children, and giving detransitioners like Mel a voice! 👏👏👏
Full documentary:
Dimension: 641 x 572
File Size: 285.11 Kb
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