
Julie McClelland
on September 21, 2023
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“I’m never going to be over it. They’re wounds, they’re not even scars, I’m still bleeding. I’m still processing and grieving. I’ve literally been violated by the medical industry.”
Mel, a detransitioner whose desire to be a man and escape womanhood was fuelled by her experience of sexual assault, bravely shared her story on 7NEWS Spotlight's documentary 'De-Transitioning' last night, and it left us in tears 😢💔
Thank you 7NEWS Australia and Liam Bartlett for doing a phenomenal job exposing the irreparable damage being wrought by 'gender affirming care' and medically 'transitioning' children, and giving detransitioners like Mel a voice! 👏👏👏
Full documentary:
Dimension: 641 x 572
File Size: 285.11 Kb
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Josh Thomas
I feel for this girl. It's all a lie from the devil to kill and destroy God's people and his original plan of just man and woman. Only Jesus can fill that emptiness we looking for. He loves is more than anything or anyone in this world and beyond.
September 20, 2023
Liam Michaels
The media is the other one they have to go after, it becomes a histeria
September 20, 2023
Elizabeth Chadwick
She had to get therapy for the sexual assault.
September 20, 2023
Leighton Massey
Thanks Mel!
September 20, 2023
Kelly Murray
I'm astounded by how our society has reached this point - these young ones are constantly bombarded with excessive content from television and social media. I place the blame on celebrities, the media, educators, schools, and anyone contributing to the confusion of these vulnerable children.
September 21, 2023
Adam Collins
That's totally messed up to do that to anyone! We really gotta provide more support for these young folks before ruining their lives. We need to put an end to this messed up practice.
September 21, 2023
Kylee Harris
I apologize for what they did to you, Mel.
September 21, 2023
Della Gray
She is such a courageous and stunning woman. My heart goes out to her, and I wish her strength in overcoming her challenges and progressing in life.
September 21, 2023
I saw a really sad story where this woman should have gotten psychological help before taking hormones from someone.
September 21, 2023
You're a real legend for speaking out against this. It's crucial to put an end to it before it ruins you and countless others.
September 21, 2023
Eddie Hubbard
This agenda has got to end, bro!
September 21, 2023
Laura Baker
That's on you, no one else to point fingers at!
September 21, 2023
Paul Strickland
Just the tip, bro.
September 21, 2023
Thomas Fisher
Mel was super brave to open up about her story, hoping it would spare others from experiencing the pain she went through. Sending all my love to her.
September 21, 2023
Julia Stanhope
Channel Seven did an awesome job and deserves major props for shedding light on the stories of Mel and other De-transitioners.
September 21, 2023
Adam Bassett
I blame the doctors and all those that allowed this to happen. These kids need to make the final decision at 21 years of age!!!! They are way too young to be making these decisions. These doctors are only out to get a name for themselves, they don’t really give a FARK about the patient..
September 21, 2023
Bill Maxwell
Liam Bartlett is spot on, the professor and those of same mind are terrorists! No different to Dr Death. A serious crime is being committed and urgent action is required to prevent the flood to come.
September 21, 2023
Graham Kidd
Sadly you can’t blame anybody but yourself! 
September 22, 2023
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