on September 7, 2023
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A former Qantas pilot has laid into the airline’s governance, saying it’s “unimaginable” for management to receive pay boosts given the timing.
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Alexia Sexton
Interesting how everyone thinks they know how to run an airline but never got the job - he has made Qantas one of the strongest and best performing - all metrics- in the world and yes it is publicly owned and paying tax unlike most state owned airlines or the US airlines that take shelter in Chp11 a... View More
September 6, 2023
Andrew Watson
When you sack staff and raise your prices even Mr Magoo could make a profit!! Considering the bad reputation Qantas has now no way should Joyce get a bonus
September 6, 2023
Bill Maxwell
Qantas was once the best and safest airline in the world. Re employ EX RAAF staff who used to leave the RAAF and then work on the QANTAS PLANES and from their RAAF TRAINING THEIR WORK WAS ALWAYS DONE TO PERFECTION. STOP ALL MAINTENANCE DONE IN MALAYSIA. Stop paying office staff such massive salaries... View More
September 6, 2023
Heidi Chalmers
What is the reason behind people choosing to fly with Qantas?
September 7, 2023
Mark Preston
Hey, don't forget that everyone on the board is getting a bonus.
September 7, 2023
Jack Reed
Cheating employees is completely unacceptable. My ex, who was a flight attendant for 19 years, initially talked about how great it was when she started, but things turned sour after a while.
September 7, 2023
Adam Collins
Seriously, staff who have lost there jobs, with hardships to swallow. Now watch Qantas executives wallowing in cash bonuses. I believe all money from federal government should have been repaid. As with the previous Ansett airlines who wanted a loan to repay. We all know what happened there! What whe... View More
September 7, 2023
Nick Kane
The company is terrible because of Joyce's actions.
September 8, 2023
Aaron Maxwell
No one is intitled to that amount, and they owe people money during covid what a rip-off mob shame on the flying kangaroo ?shame on them so un Australian
September 8, 2023
Matthew Friske
Getting that bread for pulling off a successful hustle despite having zero clout with the customers?
September 9, 2023
Clay Richards
Why not appreciate an airline that is still in operation, as many others are not?
September 10, 2023
Clare Wood
The staff has been discontented for many years.
September 10, 2023
Anne Robertson
These bonuses need to stop, they're screwing over everyone else.
September 11, 2023
Bill Stone
They are fooling themselves until they stop such bonuses and regain their integrity.
September 11, 2023
I'm not sure why they talked to a pilot about leadership problems, but whatever.
September 13, 2023
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