Benjamin Roy
on September 3, 2023
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NRL fans are all saying the same thing about South Sydney's fall from grace South Sydney Rabbitohs #NRLSouthsRoosters
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Jack Thomas
To much drama and has to affect players just let them play the games and refs need to stop picking sides yeah roosters needed 4from4 to get in top 8 and you can’t tell me they didn’t get help didn’t even play their full team some games🤔🤔
September 2, 2023
Mark Fraser
So now it's going to be LM CW and JW god help south's
September 2, 2023
Allan Myers
What a joke they are
September 2, 2023
Adrian James
Big changes needed. A game plan that involves more than 3 off loads a game. A half that controls a game and has some creative ability. A fullback that has a higher workload, offers support play and works hard defensively. A coach that is prepared to call out players not performing and drop them to N... View More
September 2, 2023
Equal treatment of players fosters a team dynamic that promotes cohesive gameplay.
September 2, 2023
Will Brown
There's no use in complaining anymore, the season is done. We will improve next time and have all our players back, especially Jack Whiten who will be a great addition. I'm thinking of placing another bet on the Rabbits to win the Grand Final, hopefully, they'll have good odds.
September 3, 2023
Adam Bassett
Thank goodness they're finally out of the finals. Hopefully, no more annoying Mitchel posts.
September 4, 2023
The two assistant coaches had the temerity to raise their issues, one left and the other backed off but there's certainly something smelly about it. Walker, Mitchell and Demetriou should all be shown the door. Cut out the cancer!
September 4, 2023
William Marshall
Getting rid of those pair of f@#kwits pictured would be a start.....
September 4, 2023
Mitchell Spencer
If we have more concerts and cut back on training, the wins will start rolling in.
September 5, 2023
Jackson Granville
In this game, both teams were able to pass forward freely without any penalties, and not just by a small amount.
September 6, 2023
Kelly Murray
Latrell Mitchell totally deserved all the lazy vibes and bullies on the field.
September 6, 2023
Amanda Marquez
Bunny Bryan - give it a go!
September 6, 2023
Kate Liddiard
Great bunch of supporters you are
September 6, 2023
Lorena Sheppard
Rabbits have excelled in football.
September 7, 2023
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