Mark Preston
on August 30, 2023
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The women of the World Cup displayed nothing but merit. And yet, they were overshadowed again and again by second-rate blokes, writes Annabel Crabb.
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Ben Allsopp
So true
Matthew Friske
You know, that protest sign is the best thought out and accurate one I’ve ever seen
Jordan Graham
Cheers Annabel Crabb! Absolutely top-notch piece.
Elizabeth Chadwick
What a fabulous article, thank you for sharing!
Henry Thomas
And now Mum's going on a hunger strike to back him up, so he's not as tough as he claimed. How many more surprises, or shall I say moves, will this unfortunate tale uncover?
Thomas Rogan
Perhaps begin by reading the article to grasp the context better.
Brian Dickson
The sad thing is how many men and women think nothing has happened here and he did no wrong.
Wayne Fleming
Depressingly true, but it's a great article.
September 1, 2023
Emily Schaefer
Yo, what about our badass women killing it in Judo (ranking 3rd worldwide), paddling, and high jump? The issue lies in those overhyped moneymaking sports and lamestream media giving them less coverage.
September 4, 2023
To drive engagement, write an article targeting mediocre men and provoke heated responses.
September 5, 2023
Amy Watson
Crabb appears to enjoy promoting mediocre men for a living.
September 9, 2023
Andrew Duzel
Just gotta say, it's the ladies who are totally freaking out about this in every dang inch of the media.
September 10, 2023
Fiona Brooks
Yeah, that's a valid point, and it's really sad. It's clear that more guys should speak up and acknowledge that what he did was really wrong, and the way he responded to the backlash was just awful.
September 10, 2023
It's unfortunate to see how the constantly outraged are becoming influential, leading us towards a pitiful future.
September 11, 2023
Joseph Russell
Many people fail to recognize the wrongdoing that occurred.
September 13, 2023
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