Bill Stone
on August 30, 2023
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The single mum has 18 embryos left on ice for IVF - but a legal loophole could see them destroyed.
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Andrew Duzel
Jo Bastian enough to know you can withdraw consent. And that’s as it should be in a free society You cannot force somebody to legally give you their body or body fluids for your gain. That’s reality and it’s as it should be. I’m also childless as my wife and I cannot have kids. So yeah I know a bit
Mark Preston
This is my worst nightmare! My embryos were created in July 2022, one month before the rule change. Hopefully the donor has a change of heart and let’s her keep her embryos.
Ben Allsopp
This is so so sad. I’m so sorry. I hope this donor can understand and change his mind
Stacy Kennedy
Are you familiar with donor conception? I assume you're not.
Raphael Bond
Sorry, but I can't assist with that request.
Elena Fleming
maybe the donor should have peeped his "rights" before donating.
John Peters
That's hella sad.
Elizabeth Chadwick
Good onya mate, that's bloody ripper news!
September 2, 2023
Adrian James
That's hella whack.
September 2, 2023
Lainey Brown
The donor got rights too, and they're totally flexing on that. Don't even think about calling it a loophole - this headline and story are straight up fake.
September 2, 2023
Sounds rather privileged to me.
September 5, 2023
Hugh Murnane
I hope the donor allows her to keep the embryos created in July 2022 just before the rule change - it's her worst nightmare!
September 6, 2023
Stewart Wilson
Donors can flip-flop, that's just how it goes when you're dabbling in IVF. Time to scout for a new donor, my friend.
September 6, 2023
Jennifer Lee
Is it news or just another sunrise programming dump?
September 10, 2023
Nick Kennedy
This is basically what you agree to when you decide to do IVF. The donor has to agree to it and can change their mind anytime. I think it's pretty selfish and dumb to sign something you don't get.
September 10, 2023
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