News Update
on August 29, 2023
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Queensland Labor MP’s are questioning the Premier’s leadership after she set off with her boyfriend on her second overseas holiday this year, with a senior figure warning the decision could prove politically fatal.
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Martin Wood
Oh for gods sake let it go. As you all bleated about Morrison when he took FOUR HOLIDAYS A YEAR - everyone’s entitled to a holiday, and at least she didn’t sneak off while bushfires were raging. In fact managing to find a time when QLD isn’t either on fire or under water to take a holiday is like a ... View More
Zachary Freeman
By by dictator palachoock. Just like dictator dan and rest of the mob.luberals are dictators to. Both are run by who and wef
William Marshall
Hey Murdoch media companies start showing the questioning of Alan Joyce in the Senate committee today especially when the federal lnp pollies who are asking him questions are avoiding the real questions.
Brad Adams
Ditch her and hustle
Andrew Duzel
Two standards in this country, these people think they are so entitled.
Jack Mitchell
Don't support the two-party alliance, as the Queensland state LNP sided with Labor on the "Path to Treaty Bill."
Della Gray
Dutton's foolishness sparks speculation over leadership
Adam Bassett
Her political career was on a downward spiral long before this. The current situation only adds insult to injury, goodbye to her political ambitions.
Abel Stevenson
Goodbye Anastasia, we won't miss you!
Worst premier in history, get rid of them!
September 1, 2023
Robert Duke
Why shouldn't she go on more vacations? She's just all talk, no action when she's at home. Can't solve anything, just puts out press releases.
September 1, 2023
Martin Wood
Grifting the taxpayers before she gets ghosted
September 3, 2023
Jessica McDonald
Hot mess
September 4, 2023
Jack Thomas
That's cool, but having the option in the back seat would totally fuck up QL even more.
September 6, 2023
Jane Moxley
Come back soon, Anastasia! Queenslanders are eagerly awaiting your return as the state needs you.
September 8, 2023
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