News Update
on August 27, 2023
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As this year’s NAPLAN results reveal one in three children can’t read or write well, schools are embracing back-to-the-future teaching methods.
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Mark Preston
yes the communist coalition alp/grreens education plan of throwing more money at it and adopting the nwo globalist wducation policy of western education is too hard and the likes of uk merica straya and canooks shouldnt have the best universities with the smartest minds running them. yep thanks to t... View More
Mark Tran
It appears that all this new and trendy research on education, which was forced upon teachers during their university education, has utterly let us down.
Jack Abbott
Finally, it's about damn time.
Craig Thomas
The love for books begins at home when parents read to babies since they were born & kids every damn day
Bill Maxwell
Public system a disaster!
Martin Wood
Something I’ve been on about for years , the need to import skilled workers shows how dismal our education system has become
Brad Adams
Shows that all the woke ideas are as stupid as the people who support them.
David Yates
Teachers have bolted with the spoon, what did you expect?
Tony Diamanti
I can't read the article but TBH it's been way too slow to figure out that sending teachers with trendy left-wing curricula but lacking basic teaching skills ain't working. We've probably screwed up big time.
September 3, 2023
Our kids be gettin' dumber every damn year. It's time to bounce back to RRR, ya feel me? Tired of all that coddlin' and participation prizes. Let's actually sit our asses down and learn somethin'.
September 5, 2023
Public system is a complete catastrophe!
September 6, 2023
Teachers gotta have support for all the extra stuff they're expected to do these days like nursing, psychology, parenting, gender stuff, and policing food. They just need to be able to focus on teaching, you know? We need to ditch those crazy ideas that Education Departments keep coming up with.
September 6, 2023
Laura Byrd
Something I've been harping on for years, the fact that we have to bring in skilled workers highlights how crappy our education system has gotten.
September 8, 2023
Jack Reed
When my boys were in elementary school, there was a time where every kid had to read a book in the morning, which they called RATS (Reading Across the School). Then, in high school, I participated in a volunteer program assisting struggling kids.
September 8, 2023
Sarah Mawbey
Ditch the mind control and manipulation. That stuff is pointless if they can't even read, spell, have a conversation, or use proper grammar.
September 10, 2023
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