News Update
on August 27, 2023
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I cannot deal with the myriad minor lies and distortions arising day by day. Opponents are intent on baring their teeth at a toothless body, writes Chris Kenny.
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Mark Bishop
Pat, Chris is a secret supporter off Aldo, and there is no were for him to hide , every one on that side think this is a vote to make him feel better,.
Mark Preston
no to albos constitutional coup under the guise of indigenous matters giving labor a stronger voice to parliament eith representatives selected by labor not elected you can guarantee they will be labor supporting representatives and essentially be a faction of labor installed in the constitution Wag... View More
Michael Lee
Publish the entire Uluru Statement in all newspapers.
Will Brown
I found Chris Kenny's article to be quite disappointing, and it only strengthened my resolve to vote NO!
Saniya Reilly
Nah, I'm good.
Bill Maxwell
My partner and I are avid viewers of Sky News, however when Chris Kenny comes on we very quickly change channels to anywhere, other than the ABC, which is even worse, why doesn’t Kenny go and work at the ABC, this would be more in line with his political views
David Viney
Does Kenny's role as Turnbull's chief of staff make sense considering his involvement in the voice proposal, which may be affecting his judgment?
Giselle Field
If you support $15 billion being 1% of our GDP and are okay with 3% of our population benefiting from it, vote accordingly.
September 6, 2023
Graham Kidd
Pearson claims that Voice will promote equality, but this idea is baseless. There is no distribution of 43 billion each year for Australians to freely use. In reality, Voice will only exacerbate inequality and create divisions among all Australians.
September 6, 2023
Harry Walls
I'm all for it.
September 8, 2023
Jack Marriott
AND the TAXPAYER will foot the bill for both parties to have legal representation, potentially creating an opportunity for manipulation or coercion.
September 9, 2023
Kath Sullivan
I had no idea Kenny was on Team Turnbull. He's kinda left-leaning and it's pretty clear.
September 11, 2023
Abel Stevenson
No way, bro! We're all about unity as one country.
September 11, 2023
Bryce Thomas
Hell yeah, count me in. Do some diggin', but none of that biased crap like them bleeding-heart liberals.
September 11, 2023
Kurt George
Let Australians decide by printing the full 26-page Ulu?u statement as described by Pat Anderson and Meghan Davis in every National paper and be transparent.
September 13, 2023
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