Benjamin Roy
on August 23, 2023
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0. He broke two but they spilt onto the floor. He then accidentally dropped two into a frier where they cracked open and spilt grease everywhere. Finally, with all of this mess, he decided to just pull a Gaston and eat two raw eggs.
Leighton Massey
Not enough information. “How many are left” How many are left unbroken?... View More
Paul Napper
not much information give 1f600.png
August 22, 2023
Liam Michaels
I don't have idea
In a mischievous act, someone cracked and separated two eggs, but then added two more intact eggs to a heated skillet and cooked them whole. Meanwhile, they indulged in the last two eggs, consuming both the edible part and even the shells. Despite this amusing scenario, there are still four eggs rem... View More
Tony Diamanti
That's not cool, especially considering it was a woman who made this post I stumbled upon.
Todd Mitchell
That's a real tough one for a lady to figure out!
Chloe Evans
You messed up, devoured and digested the identical two!
September 1, 2023
Eddie Hubbard
4 dummy, dummy
September 2, 2023
Zlatko Skrbis
Nada, zilch
September 4, 2023
Danny Cox
Stil six. No mention of being broke, fried, or where we ate from the six, eh?
September 9, 2023
Karen Major
Pop a browneye in straya == 69?
September 11, 2023
Barbara Banks
I reckon 2.
September 12, 2023
Monique Charles
2 broke, so it's gone, and 2 got eaten. They're all gone now. The other 2 got fried, but they're not broken or eaten...yet! Haha
September 14, 2023
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