Mark Bishop
on August 20, 2023
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Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone sharing a hospital room.
Arnold himself posted the photo on his social networks saying: After all the action, stunts and physical abuse filming The Expendables 2 and The Last Stand, it was time to pay some attention to my shoulder. Look who was casually waiting behind me for his shoulder surgery. Now we're ready for another round of great moments and action when we shoot The Tomb.
Dimension: 602 x 452
File Size: 68.56 Kb
Wayne Fleming
You know these two action heros have an amazing thing in common. They are the quintessential definition of a free loving American with the ability to turn up all the way if you try to push any type of nazi bullshit on them. Keep blowing away the bad guys for America , great job guys. Mal.
Andrew Crane
They’re so old, their next film will be set in their tomb?
Allen Simpson
Two great icons given their fans so much great entertainment
Craig Thomas
It's super uncommon for two people who were this tight to both be getting tested for AIDS at the same time.
Wayne Fleming
Is it even remotely possible that individuals with a collective fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars would find themselves sharing adjacent beds on an open ward?
Admire their shoulder injury smiles.
Those two actors were definitely not blessed with good looks, no disrespect intended.
Allen Simpson
Yo, this ain't a real pic, man. It's just a scene from the movie, you feel me?
Patrick Kirk
Yo, you know, this pic is mad raw. Even tough dudes catch feelings, ya feel me? And I'm all about how all them dope '90s action heroes are homies and just make flicks for kicks, ya dig?
Terminator and Rambo. You guys rock! You made my childhood so awesome!
September 1, 2023
Karen Major
People who heavily contribute to the violent culture in the world should definitely be behind bars.
September 4, 2023
Brian Dickson
The story goes that Chuck Norris actually constructed the hospital where he came into this world.
September 5, 2023
Paul Gerlach
I admire them both. They used to be seen as enemies, but now they work together. The surgeon is highly skilled and is operating on two famous action stars.
September 8, 2023
Julie McClelland
The photo takes me back to the fantastic 80s, the time of John Matrix and John Rambo.
September 8, 2023
Abel Stevenson
It was wrong for them to taunt Chuck Norris.
September 8, 2023
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