Mark Bishop
on August 20, 2023
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Fun fact of the day
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1 Yarn
Wayne Fleming
But how does weight loss occur?
Allen Simpson
I am ready
Andrew Crane
I can give oral
Never heard that in my life
Kylee Harris
This is totally not true
Debbie Raymond
He's gonna be stoked about us.
Rhea Melas
Engaging in oral activities can be a fun way to work out the area under the chin.
Kelly Murray
Putting in that divine hustle
Debra Cox
Don't argue with the facts online, they're true and we should support women in achieving their desired weight.
Jason Morton
I've known that from the start. I've always prioritized the women in my life. I'm not self-centered, after all.
Jack Ward
Playing around with the wording: Semen boasts a negative calorie count, necessitating more energy for digestion than it actually supplies. Consequently, it serves as a beneficial aid in curbing one's appetite.
I'm not convinced that would be helpful for someone who is only slightly underweight lol
September 1, 2023
Andrew Duzel
Let's have some fun and support women in their weight loss journey! Let's lend a helping hand to them!
September 1, 2023
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