News Update
on August 20, 2023
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Empty-nesters could be one solution to the housing crisis if they are prepared to sacrifice their ‘guest bedroom’ for a person looking for a room to rent:
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James McDonald
No! What sort of people want to force others how to live their lives? Turn into a Marxist dictatorship if taken to the extrem. Just stop the mass immigration.
Mark Bishop
Just make renting out granny flats (shed) tax and regulation wise, much easier? It’s not a housing crisis, it’s a drugs and mental illness crisis? There are thousands of very under utilised houses? Mainly because of govt and council regulation?
Mark Thomas
Well all this temporary rentals businesses of houses empty 4nights of the week the rest are full and the streets are full of cars , thefts increase, Houses used to have full time residents. Service employees limited for accommodation.
Wayne Fleming
All those who could not save are now paying the price
Steven Thomas
Piss off
We have the freedom to do whatever we want with our private property. However, if we decide to rent it out, people complain that it is listed on AirBnB and the tax department hassle you about it, making it not worth the trouble.
Kurt George
They might be more down to do it if Centrelink didn't test their income.
Jackson Granville
What about, get screwed?
Robert Duke
The government's incompetence is not our responsibility.
Daniel King
It shouldn't be a legal obligation, but it's definitely worth discussing. If you have an extra room and are open to having someone else live with you, why not give it a shot? It could be a fantastic economic solution for both sides.
Julie McClelland
What's next, for crying out loud? Why don't we just make it easier to build without so much bureaucracy and lower the number of immigrants until we actually have the infrastructure to handle it, you idiots?
Alana Turner
It is pointless to subject a portion of the house to capital gains tax if no one should be forced to rent a room.
Michael Kirby
No way, we are not going in the direction of socialist communism.
September 2, 2023
Allan Bennett 
Definitely not.
September 3, 2023
Sophie Ainsley
No way? You remember "Stranger Danger" right? Quit making "Boomers" feel like they owe society anything...they put in a ton of hard work for their homes and don't need anyone telling them how to spend their retirement years. Let them peacefully and safely enjoy what they've earned. Have you ever con... View More
September 3, 2023
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