News Update
on August 20, 2023
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Anthony Albanese, senior cabinet ministers and state premiers are preparing a blitz of battleground states as the ALP and union campaign machines swing behind the Yes23 voice movement
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Jackson Granville
So now we'll really be bombarded by nauseating propaganda by the Left fuelled by big business donations...big business wants this to go ahead because they think it will be easier to rip indigenous peoples off & ergo the nation as a whole.
James McDonald
So they wants us to vote yes on a proposition where the detail will be worked out later. Aaaahhh, NO!
Mark Thomas
We are stuck in the mire of lies and manipulation by this media. No guilt, No apologies required In the future, we may well feel guilty for believing the lies and manipulation of the murdoch media If we can’t extract ourselves, we may then feel bitter regret.
Monique Charles
This dictator is straight up worse than a commie. If you were an indig person, I'd have you so messed up that you'd be begging for mercy in the corner. But hey, it only works if you buy into it.
Julia Smith
If only they dedicated the same level of commitment to addressing homelessness, housing affordability, cost of living, and other pressing matters that are far more crucial than this... if only!
Denise Gordon
Albanese's actions have exposed his falsehoods and deception, causing a setback to his agenda as he heads towards Antarctica.
Adam Collins
Keep hustlin' and more peeps will say no, bro.
Abel Stevenson
Hellllll noooooooooo!
Amelia Maldonado
Sorry, but I'm not in favor of that. And when things go downhill, hopefully you'll be the next one to go?
Racheal Becker
Nah mate! Quit wasting our dough. There are folks without tucker. You're a bloody muppethole. It's gonna be a solid no. So deal with it.
Craig Matthews
I've never been happier to say no! Please don't bother knocking on my door or leaving your junk mail in my mailbox. There are better ways to spend money than on this nonsense.
September 1, 2023
Liam Michaels
I enjoy seeing the sulking conservatives who were defeated at the last election, as both the Liberals and ALP state governments were severely diminished. Dutton and his right-wing supporters have very slim chances of winning the next election, just like my chances of dating Nicole Kidman.
September 2, 2023
Catherine Branson
It's too bad he doesn't want us to have equal protection under the constitution. He wants to control what we can and can't say. That doesn't seem fair or democratic.
September 4, 2023
Jamie Henderson
Nah, I'm still going with a NO vote.
September 7, 2023
Jackie Underwood
The Drooler
September 9, 2023
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